[center] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/d4d8255fcf9457daa412dd95768dcd0d/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so1_r1_640.png[/img] [/center] Veronica was not startled by the messenger's sudden appearance. She listened to him speak while looking over the document in her possession. It sounded like another victory for Ebon mint. The plant being dealt with, and overtime pay coming in was sure to make anyone smile. But all she had to go on was the words of the messenger. As someone who dealt with truth and lies as much as Veronica had, the word of a stranger was seldom reassuring. That wasn't to say she didn't trust he was Ebon mint. The encrypted document was proof that this [i]thing[/i] was sent by another officer. What Veronica was unsure of was what was if she was intentionally being put in the dark. People in Veronica's position were equally dangerous and useful to the mint. The order to blow up one of her own agents ships could have been an attempt by the organization to weaken her forces. The Ebon mint had created a system where most of the agents would remain in debt forever. Perhaps Veronica never really escaped that system, and all officers risked having their agents taken out by “plants.” It was troubling that the mint had conducted an investigation on a mission she was in charge of. The fact that she was hearing about it now meant that something was up. [color=#bd71e8]“That is good news. You may tell who it concerns that I will have a report ready momentarily.”[/color] She pushed aside a stack of papers to access a laptop. [color=#bd71e8]“One of my agents will deliver it when it's done. You are dismissed.”[/color] Veronica had started typing before the messenger excused himself. [code] It is as you surmised, Amber Bianchi used the coin. Agent Samantha Howard was able to confirm she was locked in combat with a monster girl. Amber Bianchi must have realized she was outmatched, and simply used the coin too late. Unfortunately, Justine's castle has been demolished, and Samantha Howard was found unconscious in our world, outside of the over city. So her body is either under several tons of rubble, or has sunk to the depths of the ocean. This has made recovering her body and knowing for sure impossible. However, all of the other magical girls involved with the raid have been accounted for, and none of them used the coin. The only logical conclusion is that Amber Bianchi used the coin. Eliza Winters will be given her mission promptly. I do not often have faith in monster girls, but I feel like this one may be worth both coins.[/code] That was a lie. Of course, the truth was far too strange to believe. The idea that a familiar could use a black coin and transform into a dark magical girl was nothing short of fiction. There were very few people who witnessed it happen, and they were either people who were under Veronica's direct control or sources that were unreliable to the mint. She was sure the truth would come out eventually. But for now it was too soon. Veronica would need to confirm a few things before she shared any more information with the mint. But all of this was secondary. Veronica had other things to do at the moment. One of which was getting to the Pitstop so that she could talk to her agents. [hr] [center] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/92155fce2efb33c49a759aef8875cbb6/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so2_640.png[/img] [/center] “Sue Fang” was what the name plate on her locker read. But that was going to change today. The oriental girl stood in front of it with a bottle of white out in one hand, and a brush in the other. With a few careful strokes, the “e” at the end of her name disappeared. Su Fang (pronounced “s-oo fong”) was “Sue's” real name. As a familiar serving the magical girl pirate Amber Bianchi, Su had allowed Amber to spell her name as “Sue” whenever it came up. There wasn't really a point behind it, Amber had just always assumed that was how it was spelled. But with her death, and Su's change from familiar into magical girl, She had to start taking the roll of a real person instead of a pet. Sue the familiar had to go away, and Su fang the hotel manager had to take her place. While Su was undergoing a lot of changes in her life, her patron: Boteg the golden dragon, was making the transition as easy as possible. He had purchased the golden trove apartment complex. This was both to give Su a cover as a real person, but also to give Boteg free reign over his lair. He had been living at the golden trove for quite some time, but only recently decided to spend a part of his fortune on actually acquiring it. He did not actually make an appearance obviously. That was why he put Su in charge of running the place. Not that she knew the first thing about running a hotel. But Amber was a hardware store manager, so she did learn a few things about working with groups of people. At present, the hotel was making money, and no one seemed upset about the recent takeover. When people did ask who Boteg was, Su simply responded that he was her father. No one disbelieved her yet. [color=PeachPuff]”Uhh... Oh Amber...”[/color] Su was a mess the first week into her new life. Originally she was going to try and take Amber's place as “Sky Captain,” but that wasn't working. No one could replace Shining Scale. It wasn't until Su decided to become “Sky Dragon” that her emotional stability started to return. She had finally gotten to the point where she could say her name without feeling the need to cry. [color=tomato]"Su!"[/color] a girl called out. [color=PeachPuff]”Wha?”[/color] Su was currently in the employee break room, but a familiar voice was calling out to her from one of the hotel rooms. [color=tomato]"Su! I'm in big trouble! Hurry up!"[/color] The voice sounded urgent, so Su screwed the cap on the white out and ran out of the break room. She was able to follow the voice a few rooms down to one of the apartment rooms. The door was open the lights were on, and she was still calling. [color=tomato]"Su! Please tell me it's you! S-Save me!"[/color] The voice was getting more urgent. Su followed the voice into one of the bathrooms. There was a tub with the shower curtain drawn. But they were transparent, and Sue could see someone, or something laying down in the tub. The hotel manager was starting to suspect a trap, or something of the magic variety. Without hesitation, she threw back the shower curtain and looked into the tub. But what she saw shocked her. [center] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/4bea0f5298c687f13222714ecfd3dad3/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so5_r2_640.png[/img] [/center] [color=tomato]"Su! You've got to get these snakes off of me!"[/color] Sure enough, laying in the tub was what appeared to be a girl in an Arabian dancer's outfit covered in four large pythons. The number four was very important, because Su knew this particular magical girl's abilities well. She could transform her limbs into virtually any creature she could think of. So by laying in the tub, she was able to create the illusion of being attacked by snakes. But this was only because the snakes were so large and filled the tub so completely that it looked like they were burying her limbs. Even if there was a fifth snake in there, she was perfectly capable of growing a tail and turning [i]that[/i] into a snake too. [color=PeachPuff]”Damn it Mika!”[/color] Su backed away from the tub and ran her hand over her face. The next thing she did was shut the hotel room door, and the bathroom door. [color=PeachPuff]”I am trying to work here! If someone came in here and saw you-”[/color] Su stopped herself from continuing, realizing how pointless it was. [color=tomato]"Huh?"[/color] Mika tipped her head. [color=tomato]"I thought this was really funny! I'm sorry if I made you upset."[/color] She continued to lay very still as the snakes slithered around. [color=tomato]"I heard you say her name again, so I thought this might cheer you up."[/color] As a beast girl, she had very keen hearing. Su leaned over the edge of the tub.[color=PeachPuff]”And what makes you think this would cheer me up?”[/color] [color=tomato]"Well."[/color] Mika sighed. [color=tomato]"When I got on your computer the other day and looked through your search history-"[/color] [color=PeachPuff]”Stop.”[/color] Su placed a hand on her forehead. [color=PeachPuff]”You... You wanted to locate a pizza joint didn't you?”[/color] [color=tomato]"That only took a few seconds."[/color] She tightened her grip on the side of the tub.[color=PeachPuff]”And you didn't think that you might be invading my privacy?”[/color] [color=tomato]"It's like I told you when we first met, I like people. I want to know more about them. That includes you."[/color] She smiled. [color=tomato]"I didn't wipe the search history. If you'd like, you can take a look at some of the stuff I looked at. It would be a fun way to learn about each other if we shared the computer like this."[/color] Su groaned. [color=PeachPuff]”Alright, I think you have too much free time on your hands. You need to be more productive.”[/color] She stood up and folded her arms. [color=PeachPuff]”You need to do something productive. You're not going to snoop around here any longer.”[/color] Mika stood up, and her limbs turned back to normal. [color=tomato]"Can't I just do magical girl stuff?"[/color] [color=PeachPuff]”You need a cover.”[/color] Su looked directly into Mika's eyes as she said this. [color=PeachPuff]”It'll make it harder for evil magical girls to find you. So even if you wanted to do 'magical stuff' all day, you'd still need some type of cover.”[/color] [color=tomato]"Hmmm..."[/color] Mika rubbed her chin. [color=tomato]"I think you're right. You know all sorts of people, and that could be useful. But I don't have any friends other than you.”[/color] Su closed her eyes at being mentioned as a friend, but Mika continued. [color=tomato]"Well, I know most becon girls go to school, and I know you're kind of avoiding them. I also think dressing up as a maid and cleaning the hotel with you all day would be fun."[/color] She started to pace back and forth. [color=tomato]"But if I did go to school, I could spy on bacon for you."[/color] [color=PeachPuff]”You mean Beacon, right?”[/color] [color=tomato]"Bacon is a better name."[/color] The girl continued to hum to herself as she thought of what to do. [color=tomato]"Actually, if you needed my help the next time Boteg gets spooked, I'd have to leave school. That would be a bit of a bummer."[/color] She shrugged. [color=tomato]"I guess I'll do the maid thing as a part time job. I'm not sure if it's my style."[/color] Sue nodded. [color=PeachPuff]”That works, but I don't want to see you around here on your down time. Not unless it's time to eat.”[/color] [color=tomato]"Okay~"[/color] Mika nodded with her whole body. [color=tomato]"So, do I just pick up a broom or?"[/color] [color=PeachPuff]”Actually, I'd like you to go to the Pitstop.”[/color] Su moved away from the tub. [color=PeachPuff]”Veronica's been trying to limit the amount of time I spend there, so it would be benificial if you could go there in my place. She knows who you are, so she'll square you away as soon as you get there.”[/color] [color=tomato]"Sounds easy enough."[/color] In a flash of light, Mika came out of her costume and was her normal self. [color=tomato]"I'll see you in a bit."[/color] Sue sighed before closing the door behind her. [color=gold]”[i]Sky Scare.[/i]”[/color] A voice boomed in Su's head. [color=gold]”[i]Art thou prepared to hear of me plans for thy future?[/i]”[/color] Sue nodded. [color=PeachPuff]”[i]”Thank you for being patient with me. I am ready.”[/i]”[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NgWhiMr.png[/img] [hider=Tonya “Mac” Murphy] [b]Age: 24/11 | Gender: Female/Female | Illusion, Gravity Body | Power of Friendship, Regeneration, Third Eye | Moirai Coercion, Soul Jar, Martial Training, True Sight, Parasite, Gifted, Awareness, Mystic Artifact Magical Overload, Paragon, Blessing, Gifted Item | Monster Form, Big Brother, Arrogance, Vendetta Redirected Magic, Second Specialization | Non-Standard Limbs, Destroyer[/b] STR: 05 | AGI: 04 | VIT: 05 | MAG: 03 | LCK: 03 STR: 10 | AGI: 08 | VIT: 11 | MAG: 17 | LCK: 05 Earnings this post: Zilch Total: 2 Gold, 78 Silver, 73 Bronze [/hider][/center] Tonya had her eyes closed. The shower sprinkled her face with warm water. Droplets ran over the curves of her marble white flesh, washing the sweat from her work out down the drain. The last of the suds swirrled around the drain before slipping through its chrome grill. Many magical girls had become lax with their newfound bodies. Yes, they had to slay monsters, but the rest of their lives were totally taken care of. Magic kept their bodies healthy, regardless of how little time they spent at the gym. But Tonya found that there were certain mental benefits to working out. It just made her feel normal, and got her out of the mindset of someone who became accustom to just fighting monsters and enjoying movies. The mundane parts of life had value too. After drying off, Tonya approached her spool of fate divining silk and turned it in her hand. Images flashed across her mind. Her spool had warned her of a slaughter, one that she wasn't suppose to do anything about. Many innocents would die, and yet, she was required to assist the assassin with their escape. Her patron never gave her a reason for anything, that was always for fate to know and her to find out. But apparently they played a role in things later, and it wouldn't do for them to die so suddenly. Sometimes, her job was just the worst. After getting dressed, she prepared for conflict.