[center][h1][color=lightblue] Saber: Sigurd, the Dragon Slayer[/color][/h1][/center] [center][i]Observing The Place Where Two Heroes Clash[/i][/center] [hr] [center][color=lightblue][b]Runes Activated: Clairvoyance Rank "A" acquired[/b][/color][/center] Well, it was a good thing he had activated this on the way here. The dragon had fled, a thing he was able to see ahead of time, but something else had come to light. A battle. One between two warriors, one of this land and the other of a place far away. The latter had crushed part of this town on his own soaring down from the sky like a dragon upon prey. He had come for the dragon, but it seemed that matter had been resolved by the one who wielded the sacred sword of this land which bore power over the winds. Interesting. "Kusanagi", as the winds flowing around had told him, virtually screaming the name as it were along with the thrum of this land and the songs of the birds. So at the scene, Sigurd stood a respectful ways back from the fight between the Achaean hero and heroine of this her native land, though they'd be able to see him if they looked to where he stood with his wife. Gram wasn't even out, for it was not worth the time. He would observe the mettle of these servants as their test, to see what occurred and how they handled themselves. Of course he knew much more had been going on around him and otherwise, a vibrant thrum of activity from attacks again "that" tree to that living abomination of a forest being as it was. Even a mask out there upon a boat that had done something rather interesting, actually. But so many problems remained. So many still existed. If it were not for his blade, one could have been dealt with right now. But since the dragon was not dead, then yes he had something to work with here. He would see where and when it would return, the one who carried the dragon's blood and could manifest it that is. Unless something else came up first. Regardless, as the chaos of this battle and around him in this war was not new to Sigurd himself, twas' merely another day of being a hero. [@addamas][@Breo][@Phonic]