[h2]Important Characters[/h2] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent] [hider=Cider]With platinum hair messily cut below her ears, Cider is a sight for sore eyes for contractors. Despite her age, her skin shows very little in the way of wrinkles or scars. Her eyes are a vivid orange - an unusual color for anyone who doesn't wear contacts. Standing at 5'6", her body is lithe. There is not a single bit of athleticism that can be seen from her. Her features lack any sort of scar, blemish, muscle, or callous that one would gain from any rigorous activity. While traits of old nationalities can be gleamed from her appearance, they are too inconsistent to mark her race to only a few words. Often jokingly called a babysitter, Cider is the liaison for many contractors. While often playful and coy, she acts overbearing and protective with alarming frequency. Her veteran experience working for Ultralight often acts as a double-edged sword. While she often is able to give out sagely advice to newcomers, she often forces distance between herself and contractors. Moments of respite only act as time to reflect on those whose faces Cider can never see again. Despite the stress she often faces from sending those around her to danger, she still chooses to greet every single one with a smile.[/hider] [hider=Magpie]With boyish looks and a young, athletic physique, it's not uncommon for one to mistake Magpie's gender. Standing at 5'10", Magpie is exceptionally tall for a woman. Her blonde hair is tied into a thick braid that, when placed at her front, easily reaches her breast. The sides are loosely cut at her shoulders. While Magpie's young face is relatively unblemished, her arms and legs tell a different story. Dense callouses cover her knuckles and her fingers often seem misaligned, at least compared to her large hands. The occasional scar reveals itself upon her arms, but they remain nothing extraordinary. Her legs - jokingly called tree-trunks due to the sheer amount of muscles in them - tell a different story; thick scars show themselves at every possible moment. Magpie wears them like a badge of honor, wearing shorts instead of actual gear that would mitigate damage to her legs. Often called an ass, Magpie isn't a very good people person. She's often sardonic and mocking of others. This has resulted in her working alone for as long as anyone could remember. She is the oldest surviving contractor that still works with Cider. As a result, she has become a bit of a cult icon within their cell. This isn't because she's an interesting person or is obscenely powerful, however. It's because of all of the antics she manages to get herself in. Occasionally appearing in the safe house completely shit-faced - only drink more, appearing covered in viscera, dragging 130lb "requisitioned" boxes back to camp, all adds to the strange mythos surrounding who Magpie is. Though, to most people, she's just an asshole.[/hider] [hider=Ana]No more than a child, Ana is a pallid and strange girl. Of diminutive stature, she is only 4'7" and has a sickly build. Her brown hair is long, but styled with bows and ribbons. Her large black eyes often feel empty, as if she is unaware of things that go on around her. She often looks lost in a dream, unresponsive to the outside world. Taken care of by Cider, Ana is an odd sight for the safe-house. The only person she pays any mind to is Cider. Others are either ignored or pushed away. She is almost always alone in the corner, drawing esoteric pictures with pastels. Her child-like drawings, while most are meaningless scrawls, foretell the future. However, Ana's mind can only see flickerings of events foretold. She is unable to accurately foresee any event until just before it happens. Ana is generally left alone by contractors. The reason is two-fold; her manic drawings often alienate those around her, and she brutally bit the last contractor who tried to play with her. [/hider] [hider=Worm]A cloaked figure and associate of Cider.[/hider][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]