[@Phantomlink959] Looks good. You can move him to CHAR tab. [@Tojin] Looks good so far. I [sub]like what [sup]you're doing with the [sub]ROCKETO PAUUUUUUUNCH.[/sub][/sup][/sub] [@Lotrix Molick] IMMORTALITY WITHOUT REGENERATION, BOLD MOVE. Considering how it takes about two years for a normal person to recover from getting their arm replanted, I'd be fine if you shortened regeneration time a bit. Not so much that you regenerate in fights or don't feel the consequences, but enough so that you aren't a one armed bandit for the entirety of the story (if you get your arm lopped off). Considering how there's tons of ways to effectively kill someone in a state like that, I'm fine with you having effective immortality. You can even have it without that allergy to Buddhism, unless you want to keep it for flavour. Surprisingly, the biggest problem would be with that outfit. The world isn't really styled like Shadowrun. I would more describe it as similar to [url=https://cdn4.dualshockers.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Ex-Trident-VA-11-HALL-A.jpg]Va-11 Hall-A[/url]. Wearing such an outfit in public would just be hilariously overt. I'm fine if your character wears it on missions and stuff because it makes him feel good, but he'd still need to dress like a regular person at most times. Street-punk at worst. [sub]also that outfit looks like it would take 30 minutes to put on and take off[/sub]