Ruby,Amidamaru Amidamaru and the 3 Wielders of Elysium listened to Dust Ruby looked to Dust and Ahrah "using our mental links to communicate is far more efficient and prevents anyone from listing in on our convention i recommend using this method of communication from now on to that end i will provide communication devices to allow us to communicate though telephony" As Ruby was saying this she picked up a number of rocks one for everone that had gathered around she used her magic to engrave the runes for link, telephony and teleportation on them and held out her hand for the others to take them "with these we can communicate with each other from across the world and they will allow you to teleport to each other if and when the need should arise" After Ruby had finished speaking Amidamaru looked to Ahrah "i sensed a large concentration of hatred and rage not to long ago that has recently dissappeared this Pixie is likely the only one who could produce that much dark energy at least for now" Ruby listened to Amidamaru before speaking up again "Ahrah you seemed quite surprised at Aqua arrival dispite predicting the arrival of the other kings of power and considering you mentioned you may not be able to complete your mission is it safe to assume your visions can be averted if this is the case then something you didn't or perhaps couldn't predict has altered the corse of the future you forsaw this attack you spoke off may never come or perhaps it has simply been delayed i suggest we take this opportunity to prepare for the war you spoke off my people are already well versed in the use of magic due to me bestowing powers upon my citizens but the people of the other kingdoms are not i suggest those of us who can use it travel to the other kingdoms and teach them and prepare them for the battles to come this would also allow us to recruit more allies while protecting the 10 kingdoms since if this Pixie does indeed seek to wage war on all of humanity the best way for to prevail would be to cripple the 10 kingdoms while they are unprepared to defend themselves causing mass panic resulting chaos spreading thoughout the kingdoms leaving the citizens as well as the surrounding villages defenseless" Artemis, Arthur Arthur listened to the others as he took one of the rocks they would come in handy if one of others ran into this Pixie he could simply teleport to them and have his fun destroying her he then looked to the others "well since you lot have no idea where this Pixie is or exactly what she is planning i'll head back to my kingdom now that magic has become more accessible i can teach my armies to use it and strengthen my kingdom" Artemis listened to what everyone had said and thought for a moment she took one of the stones as she looked to the others "i can teach the nimbats and pixies how to use magic while Nemesis scouts the area for any sign of pixie but who would go to the other kingdoms" Jade Jade was in her village talking to her advisers about the growing darkness in the forrest as well as the large number of outsiders gathering at the nimbats city when her scouts reported a young boy headed for there village she walked out of the tent and headed for the village entrance to take a look at the boy wondering towards there village he looked lost and confused but Jade was not one to underestimate others no matter how young she allowed him to walk though the entrance and once he was a few feet inside Jade and a dozen of her warriors dropped out of the trees surrounding blades at the ready while another dozen of her archers sat in the trees withe thier bow looked on the boy Jade looked to the boy as she steped forward making sure to stay far out of his striking distance "who are you and what are you doing here" Terra Terra looked at the strange talking creature before responding "i am Terra and crashed not to far from here and started looking for a way out of this forest" he then held up his keyblade "this is no simply blade it my transportation" as he said this he threw his blade into the air as he did it changed into a hover bike that glided to his side as it came to a stop he held out his hand as the bike reverted to a blade and returned to his hand he then took a loik around before looking back at Pixie "so where are we?"