An avatar known as MarfulumMonkey started a contest on Planet Doom everyone who agreed to participate would abide by four simple rules. 1. You fight only with the gear you are given, you leave everything else behind. Anyone caught cheating would have every Artifact and every dollar confiscated. Those who survive each round will have their gear changed for the next round. 2. If you die you are barred from coming back for another round. 3. If you fail to kill at least one participant during each round you are eliminated. 4. There can only be one winner. Everyone member of the Specters of Apocalypse have survived the first three rounds. Two hours before the dawn of round four they are given their new gear. Ekloria logged in just as she received her new gear. She donned her new gear and she ordered all the Specters to meet on the bridge of their ship. "The plan remains the same pick off the weakest and let the strongest take each other out. Watch each other's back." Three hours into the current round the Specters find themselves pushed to a remote area of Planet Doom on the run from another clan twice their size. Ekloria took cover behind a blown up wall. She popped out every few seconds shooting arrows at the pursuers to cover the rest of their clan. She barely missed one of her clan mates to put an arrow in the face of one their pursuers. “Hurry!”