[@Aristocles] Leonore was looking down at Kara and let out a tired sight, "I want you to promise me that you will take good care of Smith, I know i have not been the best mother but when i pass i want someone to care for my soon and especially when he is a old man" She said looking quite sad. Wiping some forming tears away form her eyes and speaking again to Kara. "And when you become the queen i want you to rule with a kind heart and understanding mind, When it comes to the more difficult situations" She said now running her head though her hair. Their was a fey suddenly coming up towards Leonore whispering something in her ear, After a moment she looked to Kara with a scared and troubled look on her face. "Excuse me their is some troubling business i must attend to, Someone will bring you to where Smith is" She said giving Kara a hug and a kiss on the forehead before leaving. She was later lead by another fey to where Smith was.