Hiems stated at the fainted Nensu-who was obviously mad a few moments ago- and then at Yaoyorozu, who had appeared just in time to save the day. With all honesty, he wasn't sure if he could stand another blast without going all out, so it was good that someone did put an end to this. "Will you trust me if I said I could've handled this myself?" He said. Midoriya was relieved to see that the whole opposing team was here, because if they weren't, he would've been roasted to death painfully. Or without pain, because Loma might've just burn him to ashes in a moment. He let out a tired sigh. "'Men are meant to extinct', very good logic to drive the whole humanity to extinction." Hiems said as he helped Midoriya up. Midoriya nodded to thank him and approached Nensu. She seemed to be out cold. "...what happened?" He muttered. At that moment, All Might's voice rang through the earpieces the students were given. "Students, I'm sorry but I'll have to stop your test for now. We've lost contact with you for a moment, and there obviously seems to be a problem at the scene." He said.