Kaleeth gave Janius a quick kiss in thanks, then rushed away as quickly as she could. She was away for about an hour, which was likely longer than Sabine and the others had been expecting to need to wait, but still quite quick considering all she needed to do in that time. When Kaleeth returned to their chambers, Meesei, Janius, and Julan were all present and waiting. Ironically, it was actually taking Sabine longer to speak to Karl than Kaleeth had needed. In lieu of her usual heavy dwarven armor, Kaleeth was wearing a set of chaurus chitin armor much like Fendros', though heavier. They were not planning on any fighting during their travels, but they would be heading into the depths of Black Marsh, which was unquestionably dangerous. Her usual armor was ill-suited for that environment, and chitin was about the heaviest armor she felt that she could get away with. Otherwise, she was carrying her usual sword, shield, and mace. "Okay, I'm here. I am [i]so[/i] sorry I took so long. I forgot about my armor yesterday." Kaleeth said immediately before raising her brow towards Meesei. "Oh, hello. I didn't expect you to be here, Meesei. Are you going to be taking us instead of Sabine?" Meesei nodded. "No, Sabine is just taking some time to try and convince Karl to join us. She should be back any minute. I managed to make some free time for myself, so I thought I would join her in Thorn."