“Ha!” Lynnette had to cover her mouth with the back of her pen-holding hand to prevent herself from laughing more at Oliver's stab at Marcus. Marcus obviously wasn’t as amused by the man’s second joke about the poster and she heard him hiss “What?” under his breath as he took an aggressive step forward. “Cool it,” she told him, waving her arm front of Marcus' path with a trace of laughter still in her voice, “I think I like this guy!” "Well, I'm not in town a lot so I'm trying to spend what time I have with my family, y'know? If I do come, I'll probably be taking my younger sister along, so it'll most likely be one of the earlier shows. But I do appreciate the offer. I'll let my friend know; he kinda likes that... sort of thing." Her smile faded a bit when he said that. “Oh, that’s a shame. But I’m sure you two will enjoy the show just the same, even though I don’t perform for those ones,” she smiled apologetically. ...[i]Not.[/i] Her show was the reason most people came. Not that the other shows weren’t good, but… hers was definitely the best. (In her own opinion anyway.) That was part of the reason why she was so pissed about having to pin up flyers. But whatever— his loss. "…Grout Mutah.” Lynnette froze, her jaw dropping a bit with a small “uh” sound. Was he... serious? "Make it out to Grout Mutah, please. Maybe add something nice, like 'with love', or 'to my biggest fan.' That'd be really special, he'd like that a lot.” “HA! Hahahahaha!” Marcus burst out laughing before Lynnette had a chance to say anything. “Uhm… heheh,” Lynnette laughed a bit nervously, “Are you—“ “Are you SERIOUS?!" Marcus cut her off, "Hahaha, oh man! That’s a good one!” He continued laughing, holding his sides while Lynnette tried to think of some way to make the man's attempt at a lie a bit less awkward. “You don’t really know Grout Mutah, do you?” she rhetorically asked as politely as she could, “The only reason Grout Mutah would ever want an autograph from any of us Black Marshies would be to therapeutically set it on fire and watch it burn. Here.” She couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as she handed back the flyer with just her autograph on it.