"So, Chris isn't it? You want to challenge me to a battle?" Mr. Adams chuckled at the absurdity of the situation. "Tell you what, if you win, you graduate, today. If you don't win, you need to do the homework as usual." The teacher knew the outcome already, and he didn't feel like giving a harsh punishment for simple bravado. "I'll use one Pokemon, you can use all of yours. Now then, we'll just do it here, since I am a school official." Mr. Adams pulled out a pure white pokeball from his pocket, tossed it up and caught it, and tapped the button to release his Lucario. The teacher stepped back and gave ample room, there was enough in the front demonstration space to battle here. "I assume you have more than your Wartortle, of course." Adams pushed up his glasses and locked eyes with his brave student.