[quote=@Ellri] [hider=Anila Janren] [hider=image][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/7ded/th/pre/f/2010/100/3/3/sith_revenge_by_dolphinboy2000.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Anila Janren [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Class:[/b] Sith Inquisitor [b]Home Planet:[/b] Bosthirda [b]Species:[/b] Imperial Human [b]Hair color:[/b] Black, generally tied up. [b]Height:[/b] 147.3 cm [b]Weight:[/b] 41.027 kg [hr] [b]Appearance:[/b] The best way to describe Anila is [i]diminutive[/i]. Where others tower over the battlefield, she hides in the crowd. All most who face her see before they die is the crimson blade of her lightsaber. At 147.3 cm tall and weighing around 41 kg, she could at times be mistaken for a child, had it not been for the mature lines of her face and body, as well as her behavior which clearly belies her being that young. Given her size and weight, she is not known for feats of great physical strength, but neither is she weak. What she lacks in physical strength, she largely makes up for with the Force. However, she is not prodigy there either, being merely above average in talent and skill. For clothing, she will wear what she deems suitable for the situation, be it ebony-black body armor for planned combat situations, loose, black robes when in private, or a variety of other clothes when out among people and not expecting to have to fight outright. As a trained infiltrator, she tries to blend in. [h3]Personality:[/h3] The empire trained Anila well for her role. She strives for excellence and for doing as she has been charged. As is common for virtually all Sith, she passionately hates the Jedi, but she does not express her hatred of them openly. She is an intelligent woman, seeking to fulfill her mission by any means, while trying to avoid unnecessary complications. However, she is not above taking revenge if her goals are thwarted, directly or not. For the most part, she is quiet, speaking only when she deems it necessary, preferring to study potential opponents in silence rather than chattering away at them. To those she ends up working with, she is generally fair, knowing that such breeds loyalty, and that to fulfill her mission, she needs to have a network of contacts. Pragmatism rules her behavior, combined with her loyalty to the Empire. She dislikes losing minions, but is not broken down if many of them die or are otherwise lost. When she discovers who the guilty party is, she is merciless, seeking its death by any means, be it personal touch, assassin or open conflict, all depending on the situation. She is not so foolish as to go about swinging her crimson lightsaber anywhere word of it is likely to get into the ears of the Jedi. She thrives in conflict, seeking to expand her reach and power at all times, be it directly or indirectly. To those who serve her, she is as kind as a Sith can be, not being shy to provide them with extra resources if she deems it necessary. Once she had more than a little hubris, but it burned her thoroughly, making her more cautious afterwards. [h3]History:[/h3] Other than to the Sith to whom she answers, very little is known of her life prior to her arrival in republic space. She keeps her past clouded in silence and secrecy, rarely—if ever—speaking of it. Anila had a fairly standard childhood and was scheduled for Sith training from the moment she first showed her aptitude for the Force. Neither she nor her parents were anywhere near the higher echelons of imperial society, but neither were they near the bottom. In that aspect, she was fairly average. When her Sith training began, she ascended the ranks just a bit faster than average, but not so fast as to truly stand out. She was taken in by a more powerful Sith, one of those whose duties included keeping tabs on the Galactic Republic. In time, her training was more or less completed, and she began the real work, amassing her own power base and all she would need to do as her master required. When all of that was in place, she ventured out into the galaxy, leaving her home region behind with little intent of coming back for many, many years. Once in the Republic, she moved carefully, getting the lay of the land before she committed to anything, making contact with a couple of other infiltrators to get a basic update, then set off to establish her own, independent network. Not only did she not fully trust those who did not answer to her or her master, but she also knew that if one such network were to be compromised, it would be essential for hers not to be taken down with it. It took her several years to establish her network, buying up criminals, bribing politicians and hiring other entrepreneurs. She wasted no time, taking opportunities wherever they arose, even as she stayed under the radar of the Jedi Order. It was all going quite well until an unknown individual started interfering. All of a sudden it didn’t work as well as before. Her agents, both those overtly in her service and those she had merely bought began responding less frequently, many of them not reporting at all. In less than a year, her network of minions—which had numbered in the hundreds—had dwindled to less than two score. It took her months to even realize the extent of the problem. Key individuals died or deserted, leaving entire branches of her network severed, incapable of reporting back to her. When she did discover evidence pointing towards several who might be responsible, she made sure to put out lucrative bounties on all candidates, simply to be on the safe side. As is only appropriate, she requested to have the targets slain. For while slaying one’s opponents bears a certain satisfaction, it gets somewhat tiresome in the long run when there are that many to pick from. Thus, once the targets began dying and her network continued dwindling, she could begin to narrow down exactly who was responsible. There were eight plausible candidates left when she found the last piece of the puzzle, identifying exactly who was responsible for giving her all this trouble. She immediately set out to deal with the guilty individual personally, pragmatically skipping out on removing the bounty, just in case he was not where she expected him to be. In the end, he proved to be there, but there was also a particularly vicious bounty hunter there, one who had chosen to pursue the bounty she had placed on him. Not long after she had severed the hutt’s head from its shoulders the trandoshan bounty hunter came in, but wisely did not interfere as she strode out of the hutt’s palatial den, holding the head by its slimy tongue. She spoke with him, arranging for his silence in return for hiring him for certain jobs in the future. Jobs that she expected would be lucrative to them both, for while she had found the biggest problem with her network and dealt it a terminal blow, she still had other opponents, and the Trandoshan Harsk was quite intimidating for an alien. His resume of past jobs—the ones she could find out about, at least—proved he was quite skilled. These days, she is still working on rebuilding her network of agents, trying to keep it far more compartmentalized than before, so that no single interloper can shatter the network in the same way again. She also resolved that she would have to work more with others who answer to the empire. Too much about this filthy Republic was unfamiliar and unreliable. The rampant crime and alien infestation made her long for home. [hr] [h3]Equipment:[/h3] Other than her fairly standardised crimson-bladed lightsaber, she has a variety of other tools and weapons, both of the more common and the rarer variety, solely of high quality. Among her things are also a reasonable collection of clothes and armor, as well as a single Sith Holocron she brought with her from the Empire. We will flesh out this section more as needed, based on what the story dictates. In general it will fewer items than those on the more soldierly bounty hunters and such, focused primarily towards items to cover things she cannot cover through the force. [h3]Skills:[/h3] [list=1][*]She is a trained lightsaber duelist. [exact forms and details on this will be added tomorrow] [*]She can slice into many computer systems, but is no ace. [*]As a pilot she has the training that can be expected of a Sith Inquisitor/infiltrator. [*]She considers firearms to be distasteful, preferring to use minions to wield them, but she knows how to aim fairly well with a variety of them. [*]Force:[list][*]She is trained in everything that can be expected of a fully trained Force wielder. From the basic stuff like speed, acrobatics, telekinesis, telekinetic defense, senses and such. [*]She is also trained to shroud her presence in the Force, either by masking the Dark Side, or fully concealing her presence. [*]She is also trained in wielding the classic abilities of the Dark Side[sub](shocking, right?)[/sub], but does not have much talent or experience with the more esoteric abilities like Sith alchemy, mechu-deru, battle meditation or anything like that.[/list][/list] [hr] [h3]Misc:[/h3] [url=https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ColonelBadass]Major Personality trope: Colonel Badass[/url] Few know her name, fewer still have any idea about where she is from. She has a number of false identities readily available, at least one for each branch of her still-limited network of agents. Presumably she has at least one ship at her disposal, but we will not flesh out anything about that unless it proves relevant. [sub](it would require us to dig into the lore for ships of that period, which we have not yet done).[/sub] The section with the Hutt and the bounty hunter in history may need alteration as we speak more with Rtron about it. We are prepared to rewrite even major portions of the history/personality if it is needed/appropriate. If it is ok for her to have that Sith holocron, then we are open for discussing exactly what sort of information it can contain. We feel it is appropriate for it to contain navigational information for reaching the empire, properly locked down deep within its stored information. [/hider] [/quote] Hello hello hello! First of all, the sheet is a great start - but it is by your own admission too, a little unfinished. That said, I do love the concept and from what I can see you appear Star Wars mad! I'm happy to accept this character with a rework of the sheet, with the help of Head of the Darkness [@Mortarion] and [@Rtron] and myself. (I just say Rtron because it looks like you are working on it together?). The lore is sound, but I think we can improve the character overall, e.g what happened here? "Once she had more than a little hubris, but it burned her thoroughly, making her more cautious afterwards." Let's make her a real nightmare for this RP! Mwahahaha!