So, that's a wrizzaaaappp! Well done to those who are now part of the RP, and thank you to those who applied but didn't make it. You're still frickin' awesome and you'll be back! THIS IS NOT THE END! [i]So what's next?![/i] Well pals, I have a set of secrets to mail out to you (which I'm not doing right now because it's 9:30 and I spent all night on those reviews ;_;) They will go out tomorrow! SO watch out! As I have said, it is entirely up to you whether you reveal your secret to everyone and whether you do so in character. There will be more fun nuggets like that along the way. As for me, I have my own sheets to polish off, and get my REAL first post done. I will post some information tomorrow about where the first setting will be, and you are free to post your 'introduction' once that info has been dropped! G'night all, and May the Force be with Ya!