[img]https://i.imgur.com/7HUEgZa.png[/img] In terms of the Special Forces soldiers, this is what happened with the militia "Platoon" our team is part of. One militia cell conducted an ambush to the north at the Long Horn Steak House at the corner of St. George and Maple Tree Pl. The third cell conducted a similar ambush to the south based on the Sunoco Gas Station and DD. Their purpose was to isolate the raid our cell is conducting at Williston VSP barracks. Their intent was to prevent the Soviets and East Germans from reinforcing or relieving anyone at the VSP barracks. The cell to the north destroyed one truck in its kill zone and stopped a second carrying a squad of Soviet infantry which they are now in a fire fight with. The southern cell destroyed a VSP cruiser after the AMerican police man left his motor vehicle. You can see the arc of the doomed C17 as it flew over the area and crashed into the parking lot blowing up at the Walmart across the street. I hope this gets us all on the same sheet of music. The Giguere brothers are in the back of hte VSP barracks, waiting for the rest. They will head to the woods to the East of their objective. Maybe link up with the other two cells when we all try to get away from the Russians at the Long Horn Steak House.