Name: Eveyon (Last Name Omitted For Religious Reasons) Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: The most immediate aspect of Eveyon's appearance is his hair. Or, rather, the lack of it. He keeps his head shaved bald, in accordance with the faith of his homeland. Under the glittering scalp, his skin is a middling brown, and his eyes a striking black. He stands at 170 centimeters in height, and is deathly thin from long periods of fasting. His face he keeps solemn, again one of the duties of the priesthood, and tries best he can to convey no emotion. Personality and Backstory: Eveyon was the son of a priest, and thus was raised within a priest's coven. Within its walls, he learned of the holy books and tenets associated with the faith, in the hopes that should his father pass, he would take his place tending to the parish. He clung to the faith, it being the only thing he knew, and internalized its teachings till he knew them front to back in his sleep. He has worked hard from youth maintaining the pristine reputation of his parish, keeping the holy days as well as the grounds of his father's temple. On his nineteenth birthday, his father, as well as the other priests, tasked him to leave home on pilgrimage to spread the faith. Immediately, he set out to do so, hopping on the first ship he could find heading for uncharted waters. Classification: Explorer (and possibly Chaplain) Specialization: Lookout from the Crow's Nest bow to the queen