[center][color=slategray][h1][b]WHITE WEDDING[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [img]https://www.phillymag.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/07/5580012469_77e5c7f28d_b-e1437580294149.jpg[/img] [hider=The Rise of an Empire] Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly Love. The Athens of America. Philly, if you're feeling affectionate. And if you're in the know, Paul's Kingdom. Oh, sure there are the counts and the barons- the bikers, the Chinese, the Irish, the Greeks, the Jamaicans, the Polish, the African-Americans, all the others have their fiefdoms. But the undisputed king of Philadelphia is none other than Paul Castiglione, don of the Philadelphia Italian Mafia. His reign began in 1993. With his deep connections to labor unions in the harbor, railyards, and airports, timed with the opening of trade with Eastern Europe, he was able to strengthen the foundering Philly mafia with a steady flow of contraband: guns, narcotics, liquor, cigarettes, cars, various other consumer goods sold on the black market. The money was invested in other concerns, both legitimate and illegitimate, and the Italians grew in power and influence. There was violence and competition, of course, but Paul Castiglione preferred to share the wealth where possible- the Mafia is in some form of business arrangement with nearly every other gang in the city. None would try to take on the Italians, any gang violence in Philadelphia these days is the other mobs fighting for the number two spot. Now it is 2018. Castiglione's uncontested rule has lasted 25 years. He lives in a sprawling grand mansion in Philly's prestigious Main Line, surrounded by advisors, armed guards, and live-in servants. He rubs shoulders with senators, business tycoons, media figures, the social elite- doing occasional favors for them all. Paul Castiglione can accomplish more with a single phone call than others can in their entire lifetimes- and that call is frequently made to a man with a gun. He is truly the Godfather of Philadelphia. And today he gives away his only daughter. [/hider] [hider=White Wedding] It's been in all the papers. Lisa Castiglione, 26, marrying old money socialite Henry North, 28. The photogenic couple are a panacea for a slow news cycle, and the wedding has created considerable buzz. Her dress, the caterers, the honeymoon plans- all subjects of frenzied speculation. The more serious-minded have wondered what this means for Paul Castiglione. Outwardly a legitimate businessman, his true position is something of an open but unprovable secret. Is this an attempt to legitimize the family and make it more respectable? The guest list has also been attracting attention. Of course the North family and the upper crust of Philadelphia are in attendance, as well as those who feel secure being seen in public with Castiglione. Invitations have been sent to the heads of Philadelphia's other gangs. RSVPs were also sent outside the city- high-ranking delegates of the Italian mob in numerous other cities throughout the country are rumored to be coming as well. Not to mention the dozens of reporters and law enforcement figures hoping to learn some vital piece of information about these mysterious figures. It is an ideal time to show respect to a powerful man. And while enjoying his hospitality, perhaps ask some favors as well. Not to mention those outside the family finding a golden opportunity to make their own deals. And of course not every agenda is favorable to Castiglione- you don't spend 25 years as king without making a few enemies. It's going to be a hell of a day. [/hider] [hider=Notes and Rules] Welcome to White Wedding. As you may have gathered, this RP takes place over the course of a single day- the wedding day of Lisa Castiglione, daughter to a powerful mob boss. The wedding is a massive gathering of organized crime figures and that brings with it a great deal of dramatic possibilities- making new deals, settling old grudges, gathering evidence, and so on and so forth. Maybe violence breaks out, or maybe everyone enjoys a nice ceremony and reception and then goes home. If this game is a success we can definitely see about a sequel bringing these same characters into a larger world. I've intentionally kept a lot of the background vague- I want you all to fill in the story of the larger than life figure Paul Castiglione and the world of organized crime. Who are his friends? Who are his enemies? Who wants what? These are all questions for you to consider and answer. This RP will be largely player driven- what happens here is up to you. One thing I'd like you to keep in mind is the phrase “yes, and?”. Basically, if someone brings something up, don't contradict it, but seize it as an opportunity to build and explore. As a GM, I tend to be pretty hands-off. All I ask is that you respect one another as players- courtesy goes a long way. As a final note, violence and swearing are all approved- it's a gangster RP after all. I would prefer any sexual content to be kept to private messages. [/hider] [hider=CS Template] Here is a basic character template for you to use when building your character. Please post sheets in the OOC thread for GM approval. Name: Your character's real name, as well as any aliases or nicknames. Age: Your age. Occupation: Both what you present to the public and what you actually do. Appearance: A detailed description is good. A detailed description accompanying a photograph is even better. Inventory: Since we're dealing with a limited time frame, it would be good to know what your character is wearing today and what they carry on them- this includes any wedding gifts. Background: Who are you? Where do you come from, where are you going, what do you want, and what has brought you to this wedding? Agenda: What do you hope to accomplish today? It has has to be something- it could be as grandiose as “blow up the entire mansion” or as humble as “get drunk at the open bar.” [/hider]