[@Hokum] The Commander calm and sips peacefully with his glass of wine. [quote=@Commander] ... Interesting... The not-so-minding on how can you do everything it takes to adapt and be efficient without losing too much or possibly everything you had. Keen of knowledge that some of your operating and governing skills isn't your strongest taste as a sauerkraut, Fanny. Of course we can't bring every people back to the Space Headquarters for a very good reason! . . . Now that you're questioning on what was my motive for not bringing everything back safe and sound? . . . Sadly... I'm afraid that you'll need to figure it out yourself by that matter, with a modest hints. One, something to power the craft, and one focuses on the most basic survival instincts. [/quote] [@Quote5] The Commander was acting a little suspicious after Ernest had said "near Hany's Ribbon". [quote=@Commander] Hmmmmmm.... Really..? [/quote]