[u][b]???[/b][/u] "...Kh... Aargh...!!" Throbbing pains surged through the head of the groaning voice's owner, the person pulling themselves up from what they seemed to be leaning up against. A wooden surface, rounded and uneven. Glancing behind revealed it to be a canoe dangling from a hook, swaying forward a little at the person climbed up and moved away from it. A thought shot through them, grabbing behind their head to check something. [color=1386EC](...Thank god, she didn't forget. I would've died if I had to go out as a [color=gold][b]girl.[/b][/color])[/color] [u][b]Taka Tsuin[/b][/u] Taka confirmed himself again by looking all over his body and he found his usual clothing and make-up to be in place. He didn't know why he was in what looked to be a [i]boat house[/i], but maybe they just got... lost on their way to hope's peak. Not that that would explain the head-ache. The boy stumbled forwards a little, reaching for the door. He needed to figure out if it was unlocked and with a click, that seemed to be the case. A sigh of relief escaped him. Wherever Taka was, at least he wasn't trapped. The boy took another quick look at his surroundings. Rays of dawn shone through the small windows of the hut he was in, illuminating the contents to be seen clearly. Canoes, paddles, lifevests... everything you'd need for a trip on the lake seemed to be in order. "Where the hell did you get us...?" Taka mumbled to himself as he opened the door in full now, shielding himself from the rays of sun that assaulted his retinas. Once his sight became less blurry, the boy took another look around. Straight ahead, a collection of cabins. To the right, a road and some giant fence. To the left? More giant fence and way closer. "What the fuck...?" A wave of deja-vu washed over Taka as he started pacing towards the road, feeling as if he'd been in this situation before. He should probably be freaking out over being, y'know, trapped, but it wouldn't do him any good to do that. Well, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a [i]little[/i] panicked, but if his eyes didn't deceive him there were some people groggily waking up on a grass plain not too far from here. If he was going to get any idea of what was going on here, he'd best check in with them.[hr][u][b]Ayu Usui[/b][/u] Ayu was a pretty peaceful sleeper. She recognized she was laying comfy even in the depths of her slumber, however. It was nice and warm, maybe a little hard but not too much. Like a good pillow. It felt very natural and relaxing, making her sleep soundly and not moving an inch aside from the soft breathing of her lungs. But when she was lightly being shook, it worked like a sledgehammer on her psyche. Her eyes flickered open, adjusting to the sight. Once her focus came into view, she saw... not much. Her glasses weren't on her face, and all she could make out was a blur. Without skipping a beat she pushed herself off from whatever she was sleeping on and yawned without a care in the world, glancing around the area. She could make out a faint shape on a small nightstand near her, reached for it and found her spectacles. They helped quite a bit. Now Ayu could see she was sitting on a bed, with a boy not too far from her. An unfamiliar bed, at that. She probably woke up on him. Around her was a pretty basic and uncharacteristic room. There was a nearby shelf for some kind of toy collecting, but that's about it. Oh yeah, didn't she hear some noises earlier? Glancing back at the boy, Ayu figured they must've come from him. Not that she paid any attention to what she had said. "...Pervert." After her short and brutally honest reply, she picked up the creaking from the nearby door to the cabin. Glancing in that direction, Ayu locked eyes with a scruffy-looking, white-haired boy with some... eccentric clothing. Ayu tilted her head as he closed the door again and jumped off the bed. She slouched over and opened it herself again, peeking her head out only to find nobody in the area. "Weird. Were you two friends?" she asked the nearby boy, her curious inquisition devoid of the tone that would make it seem like she actually cared. Ayu took a step away from the door again and stopped in her tracks, staring blankly at the curtained window on the wall opposite to her. Jumbled thoughts started racing through her head as she began to think of what this all was. Her brief peek outside revealed that Ayu was not, in fact, at the dorms of Hope's Peak as she initially assumed, but instead some kind of lodging spot. To that end, she still didn't know why she was there with two guys and waking up on a bed, but considering she was fully clothed and didn't feel weird, not much must've happened. Strange to think of why they would bring her here, though...[hr][u][b]Momoe Mizuno[/b][/u] "Oh my god, [i]shut up[/i]." Momoe blurted out as she heard the unfamiliar voices of people around her, a throbbing in her head being the culprit of her foul mood. She threw her hand against her head and slightly clutched it, hoping it distracted her from the pain. It didn't. Her one eye slowly flickered open as she was staring straight up at the clear blue skies, cold chills running over her body from the breeze that hit it. She slowly pushed herself up straight, taking in the rather featureless plain Momoe found herself in. Three other people too, from the looks of it. A monk, a party decoration and one [i]normal[/i] looking person. Not that she was any judge of appearance, considering the faint throb coming from her left eye. "Why the hell did I have the bright idea of spending the night on a field of grass-?!" Momoe cursed to herself, taking a bit of a better look around. She saw a huge, iron fence on one side, a lake far off in the distance, some wooden cabins of various sizes to her left and [i]behind[/i] the girl looked to be a stage. Not to mention the goddamn forest that wasn't too far removed. [color=1386EC](Fantastic. This is the first time I've had absolutely no idea where I am.)[/color] Momoe grit her teeth in frustration, feeling like she just got played for a fool. The girl rose up to her feet and dusted the blades of grass off her coat, cursing that they'd better not make any stains. She glanced back at the other three, the normal one looking about ready to wake up as well. "Well? Any of [i]you[/i] lot got any idea of where the hell we are?"