There are a lot of people who come and go from RPs and the guild. Some of them stick around long enough to make an impression so you can maintain off-site contact with them and some don't. This isn't uncommon in forum communities such as The Guild and the like. But once in a blue moon, people come into your life that could be by pure accident that really does make an impression. It could be either they answered an interest check you set up, or you two joined an RP together. Maybe they messaged you at one point to compliment your writing style or just to say hello. Truthfully, it could be all of these things, none, or some little bit of each. [@Dirty Pretty Lies] is such a person. She has been with me as both one of my most-common writing partners for the majority of the past 3 years, but also one of my best friends (I've got 4 of them in case you were wondering). And I can say so much about this incredible woman that would likely bring her to tears, so I'll just leave it at this. She is a brilliant writer with a soul that matches her talents. You feel or say what you want about her, but I know her to be one of the best people I know. It's fair to say that I love this woman with all my heart. Our stories that we've written, whether short-lived or not, have been among my favorites. Here's to many more memories being created! <3