[center][@Oh no my soup][/center] With a look of nostalgia that would not be viewed while Gillian’s attention is focused elsewhere, Cain replies solemnly. "Impulsive… No. Hurried… Yes.” Perhaps he was impressed by Gillian’s lack of panic in the face of his power, and therefore wished to share details of his life with her. Probably not. But perhaps he felt obligated to reply, which is also doubtful. Or, perhaps and most likely, he simply cherishes this rare moment wherein someone was willing to listen. "I have a date...” He tells her, walking towards the wall size window as it inexplicably opens for him, “…with death.” Stopping at the threshold, Cain moves his eyes to Gillian who can now see him with a turn of her own eyes if she wishes. He speaks yet again in a voice cryptic as the words that are chosen: “Your son. He knows your love…. So it is with mankind.” [hr] [center][@Dartbored Fairy][/center] It is a surprise to Dnias, how this youth can manage to think of the perfect means by which to attempt an escape. He is quickly irate. Mili will no doubt take the nearest passage out from the cave. This passage is a natural formation that shows the underground cavity’s age. Colloid mineral formations make the floor of the passage not easy to navigate. Stone-like Stalactite’s hang from the roof. In her hasty escape, Mili can hear the sound of crumbling stone behind her, undoubtedly the noise derived from Dnias obliterating the stone monster she had summoned. The sound of fizzling is also heard, that pertaining to the destruction of the fire entities she had also summoned. Nevertheless, in the wake made of silence, she will not hear Dnias in pursuit. This may fill Mili with a sense of relief. But… had she in fact managed to escape? Was there something she did not count on? Why wasn’t he chasing her? Is there something he knew that she didn’t? Was she simply just heading for greater danger? Danger even he did not wish to face, perhaps? This is an unknown world, after all. These questions would have been natural for any person in her position to consider. All she had now was hope…. It was a hope fulfilled. Up ahead she sees Pirila. Her beloved friend and guardian. The sight of her will, without doubt in Mili’s frantic frame of mind, fill her with a sense relief and salvation. She can see Pirila’s face: What is first an expression of angst desperation and despair, is suddenly overcome with overwhelming relief when she lays her eyes upon Mili. Calling out in relieved joy, Pirila rushes toward the beloved child with arms outstretched. She clearly cannot wait to arrive, each fraction of a second in anticipation of embrace is expressed with an agonizing longing to once again hold her friend in her arms. At last, if only after seconds, she embraces Mili, coveting the child in her arms as tears of joy stream down her face. “I have found you!” She claims, her voice assured, warm and soothing. “I was so worried….” After a moment she releases Mili from her embrace and takes her by the hand to lead her farther down the Passage. “Come,” She tells her, "I’ve brought some friends. They are waiting for us up ahead. They will take us to safety.”