Morning had broken, and Matteo’s glasses remained, sadly, in the same condition they’d been in the night before. The fact that they had not been healed as magically as his bloodied face was just one more shadow hanging over him as the occupants of the pews rose early and dished their bowls full of watery breakfast broth. [i]Could have used some coffee,[/i] the ex-spectacled young man thought blearily as he found his way back to the others and took his first sip of the hot liquid. It did little to soothe his aching belly, and less to liven his beleaguered mind. They’d only just traded “good mornings” and he’d been trying to remember all the information he’d gathered from Etono (before he’d been beat up by Old Bear like a nerdy kid in high school-- his lunch money was at least thankfully intact) when a small, dark-haired girl approached them and introduced herself. To Matteo’s surprise, a (slightly) familiar blonde blur was behind her. [i]So she ended up here too-- that’s good, I didn’t see her come in last night.[/i] He didn’t think he’d gotten her name outside the recruitment office. [i]In any case, this Muu must be in the same boat as the rest of us-- maybe even newer.[/i] Etono had said new arrivals only came at night, however. He rubbed the back of his neck, aware of how stiff his muscles were after last night. [b]“Once we’re done eating, should we stop by the Silver Moon office and get your tags and starting loan? The man-- I was told his name is Mathers-- might be in a better mood,”[/b] Matteo inquired mildly once the clatter of his spoon on the sides of the bowl had ceased. The youth nodded at Muu. [b]“We don’t know much more than you, I’m afraid, but I [i]did[/i] get a little useful information last night before… well. I can explain some of it on the way. Ash, Aoi, do you know how to get back to the plaza from last night?”[/b] Being unconscious at the time (and assuming the two girls had physically dragged him to the church) he hoped it wouldn’t be too far away.