[b](R&D Lab/Med-Bay: He-Man, She-Ra, Cloud and Meta Knight)[/b] [@Metatrooper] [@Burning Kitty] [color=00aeef]"What? No, you misunderstand. You see, we didn't create this multiverse, it already existed before we discovered it. For awhile now perpetrators from across dimensions have been brought to Cinix with this technology. We've only recently duplicated it for the purpose of sharing our discovery with individuals such as yourself in hopes of forming an inter-dimensional alliance, of sorts. I do apologize if that wasn't clear before."[/color] Scarlet then tapped R on the shoulder after he had finished his explanation to Meta Knight. [color=ed1c24]"We have an issue, they all tell me that their emblems were destroyed when they were teleported here."[/color] R raised an eyebrow in confusion. [color=00aeef]"How is that possible? I literally found them by their emblems using my locator!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Well, that's strange, and quite intriguing. Could we consider that even without them, there was something that-"[/color] The agent then leaned in and interjected in a hushed tone. [color=00aeef]"Okay, how about we theorize later? Can you help them anyway? I'd [i]really[/i] prefer us not to have a viking invasion on our hands."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Their people don't have access to the city unless we grant it to them, Agent,"[/color] the scientist whispered back as if it was obvious. R let out a sigh, remembering that he had said something along those lines himself earlier at the lounge. [color=00aeef]"Right, sorry. They're just, really convincing, alright?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"The emblems were meant to serve as pathways between their worlds and ours,"[/color] Scarlet continued as she moved over to a computer system and began typing. [color=ed1c24]"Without them, I'll just have to attempt locating these dimensions again. So, I'm looking for?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Eternia, I believe, and... Midgar."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Very well, give me a moment..."[/color] [hr] [b](Shower Area: Link, Rex and Zack)[/b] [@Burning Kitty] [@FalkiThomas] Agent M let out a laugh. [color=39b54a]"Hear that J? [i]Denial[/i]."[/color] J rolled here eyes at M before turning to Link. [color=fff200]"I appreciate the suggestion, but the people here, they joke, and they speculate. That's all there is."[/color] At least, that was all there was currently. Even if there was something there, now was hardly the time to be pondering over how she and R really felt about each other. There were more significant issues at hand that had grabbed her attention, like how she had been able to see Link's emblem on her locator earlier without it being intact, and introducing the trio to the rest of the group. "Rampaging monsters are sin problema, my lady! Where I come from, any living thing can turn into one at any time," Rex responded to J smugly, before turning to Zack. "Those are what we call EVOs, since you were asking earlier. Technically, I'm an EVO too, but I just have control over my nanites." At Link's retort to Zack's friendship invitation J let out a nervous chuckle before speaking again. [color=fff200]"Now, let's all be nice, alright? I just want to say a big 'thank you' to all of you for your enthusiasm in wanting to help us."[/color] [color=fff200]"If you'll just come with me, I can take you to meet your, uh... friend?"[/color] She first said to Zack before addressing Link. [color=fff200]"And introduce you to someone who could probably sort out your emblem situation."[/color] She then turned back to the agent in the towel as she left with the group. [color=fff200]"I'll see you around M, and don't forget to get dressed!"[/color]