[center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/e2dc/f/2018/218/7/f/hugofont_by_crystal_amalgam-dcjeaob.png[/img][/center] [hr] Hugo had been awake since early dawn, he was almost always awake early for practically no reason. It occurred to him that just because he woke up early, he was not a morning person. After he woke up he grabbed a notepad that was sitting on a rickety wooden bedside table and scribbled a few things down with a pen, after a few minutes Hugo set the notepad down and hopped off of his twin sized bed. He quietly walked over to the old dresser that was and settled in the lower right corner of his room. He grabbed a pair of cargo shorts and a green t-shirt and slipped them on, throwing his pajamas on the floor. Hugo then glanced at the small mirror that was hanging on the wall and was met with disappointment, why did he ever expect anything different? He mentally noted to toss the mirror before his opinion of himself plummeted to an all-time low. He didn't need a stupid mirror to remind of everything wrong with every single thing, he could do that on his own. Hugo left the room and dragged himself to the kitchen and filled himself a glass of water. Hugo also grabbed an apple and then sat down at the table in one of the three chairs. For some reason, he tried to think of the bright side of things. For someone like him, this was not a simple task. The first things that came to mind were "You're not dead." and "No one you care about is dead.". Hugo also thought of the fact that maybe he should seek out more positivity in his life, the only problem is that he had no idea where to find it. He figured that being more outgoing would bring him more opportunities, of course, this was a revelation he had years ago. [i]It's all easier said than done.[/i] Hugo thought to himself. The sudden sound of small children laughing snapped him back to reality, he recalled the few times he joined in group activities and most of the time he just found them tiring. Hugo tossed the apple core into the bin and picked up a brown and gray canvas backpack that contained a notebook and a few pens. He opened the front door and stepped outside, somewhat disliking the bright morning sunlight. Maybe today he'd be able to hold a conversation without acting too weird. At least he wasn't as weird as Milo, the guy didn't act that weird but something about him just creeped Hugo out, he knew from the get-go that Milo wasn't the type of person he said he was. Maybe Hugo was just being paranoid or jealous because unlike him, Milo had a somewhat decent social life since he could actually talk to people. [hr] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/4fe2/f/2018/218/d/6/milofont_by_crystal_amalgam-dcjeap7.png[/img][/center] [hr] Milo woke up at around 7 a.m. and got out of bed, briskly straightening out his sheets soon after. Milo quickly got dressed in a citrus orange tank-top and a pair of black running shorts, he had made plans for a morning run before breakfast. It may be the dinosaur apocalypse, but that’s not an excuse to hone his skills and overall better himself. At least that’s what Milo thought, he was always trying to make the best of his current situation. Milo grabbed his black and white tennis shoes from the closet and slipped them on before walking to the kitchen. He grabbed an empty water bottle from a cabinet and filled it with cold water. He set the bottle on the countertop and picked up a drawstring bag that was hanging on a chair and put the water bottle and a fitness towel inside. He slung the drawstring over his shoulder and walked towards the front door. Milo reached for the doorknob on the front but stopped midway, he grimaced as he was suddenly reminded of James, someone Milo had started to hate thinking about. “Today is a new day.” He sighed and opened the door, not wanting to think about what happened years ago. As soon as he stepped out, all of his regrets melted away as he realized how beautiful the day was. Milo smiled with his classic happy-go-lucky smile as he walked down the street, saying “hello” and “good morning” to his neighbors. Most of them didn't say any greetings in return but Milo understood why. He was still "new" to Amberstone and in this day and age, you never really know who to trust. That's why Milo always strived to be friendly, he wanted to be trustworthy. He walked towards the gate with a bit of a pep in his step while he whistled a cheerful tune, he was just happy for the sake of being happy. When Milo reached the gate, he set the drawstring down and looked around. Milo watched people walk up and down the streets, doing whatever it is they had to do. He spotted Hugo in the distance, looking rather glum as usual. Milo had a feeling that Hugo wasn't ever really fond of him, come to think of it, Hugo was barely fond of anyone new. Milo then saw Sidney, a boy who was slightly older than himself. "Morning!" He called over to Sidney.