[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170828/de4fb32b6dba717be14cb6eeb8aeaf1c.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3] [b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Monday May 23rd, 2017 - (Remember Time Zones)[/h3][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=ed1c24]Crash Site:[/color][/b] Ross stumbled slightly, wiping the blood and sweat from his brow. He normally wouldn't be sweating but the heat from the flames was causing it to be much hotter than it should. "Here," he said in a gravelly voice as he made his way through the smoke and dust that had been kicked up. There was a flash of light and then the sound of thunder crackling. Looking up as he felt something damp on his cheek the weather started to turn. It was starting to rain. This could be a good thing, at least it would help douse the fire if it came down hard enough. Then again, if the winds kicked up too much it could cause the fire to spread rapidly. Grimm had been going through a drought. "Come on, we gotta get out of here," he said as he finally made his way over to Iris and held his hand out to help her walk if she needed it. "There should be a hanger with a car waiting for us about a mile from here. We can't stay," he added as he pulled out gun from his side holster. "Can you shoot?" he asked. [b][color=ed1c24][url=https://www.tripsavvy.com/thmb/xeSw9Z9R_SPjyISAJxcsasefd7o=/960x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/20100210_0015-1000x1500-57925d703df78c173497f2b6.jpg]Funeral Home:[/url][/color][/b] Over in the Fisher & Sons Funeral home, things were quiet when Riley and Priya entered. The dark wood made the place seem much darker. A large round table with flowers sat in the center of the main room. To the left and to the right were room that looked to be set up for viewings if need be. There was hallway towards the back of the room that split off to a set up stairs that lead up. There was a sign by the bottom of the stairs marked private. Coming down the stairs was a [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/six-feet-under/images/9/97/Df.jpg]man[/url] dressed in a suit looking stressed. It seemed though that look was probably a permanent state. He forced a required smile. "Hello, I'm David Fisher. You must be here for Chloe Ridgeway. I am terribly sorry for your loss," he said as he came down the stairs and held his hand out to shake Rileys and then Priyas. David was older than the Ridgeway sisters, by a good ten years. He hadn't gone to school with them but his family had been the main funeral home in Grimm for over forty years, so they were known enough. At least enough because of the fact they took care of many of the funerals over the years. [b][color=ed1c24]Justice, California:[/color][/b] Maria quirked a brow at the song but she didn't say anything, she was trying to refrain from smacking Caesar upside the back of the head for his little stunt but she kept her mouth shut for the most part. "Better choice in music than Alicia," was all she said as they made their way through the streets of Justice. Things were calm during the drive. It seemed that Lady Luck was being kind to them, maybe it was because they had a baby in the car, then again that had never stopped the dice from doing something horrific. Yet for now, things are good and the traffic isn't an issue. At least not for them. Outside of Justice was another story. As Mali kept driving Zoie started feeling under her seat. "Damn it," she muttered. It seemed that Trisha hadn't left a gun stashed under there for them. The closer they got the more tense Zoie seemed to get. The black smoke was billowing up. She didn't say for Mali to drive faster. Part of her wanted to but part of her didn't want to know. As they crested the hill it wasn't the house on fire, it was the barn. That was good, maybe a lamp had just been kicked over but right then Zoie would have rather it been the house. She didn't have animals in the house. She did in the barn but from the looks of things most were out in the pasture. Marks limo was in the front of the house but there was no sign of him. "Where the fuck is he?" she asked. The question was more to herself than to anyone there. "The barn?" Relic asked as he closed his lap top. That was not a good thing is he was, the place was ablaze. [b][color=ed1c24]Texas/Mexico Border:[/color][/b] Cecily was able to pull the car over without issue but Natashas coughing fit wasn't going away. If anything it was getting worse. As the car came to a halt, Natasha scrambled out of it, falling to her knees as she kept hacking up what felt like a lung. The pavement becoming splattered with blood with each cough and then a small pool of it as it drizzled like honey out from her lips and down her nose. This wasn't good. It seemed like she was trying to talk, trying to get words out but she couldn't catch her breath. It sounded like she was drowning in her own fluids as her skin became clammy and she broke out into a cold sweat. Her body was shaking as her palms pressed into the ground, the gravel cutting into her skin as she pressed her weight on it. Each cough sent her back into a deep bend, arching like a cat who was hissing. It wasn't pretty. "Lied." It was the only word she was able to get out as she kept coughing.