[hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180807/0d994a7503f5149e5690cea27b3fc6c7.png[/img][/center][hr] The Madagascar hissing cockroach. A large and docile species of cockroach, popular within exotic pet circles and recognized by the ability to hiss through a specialized respiratory opening. One was currently snuggled up inside of the chest pocket of a fifteen year old boy in Amberstone. His disheveled appearance would have been interpreted as advanced homelessness by the general population had he actually left his home frequently. Today, however, was a rare day in which the young Oliver Clive actually did step outside. The teenage boy´s plan was to go just outside of the town´s perimeter to scout for beetles to add to his insect menagerie back at home. Despite the area being relatively safe, his worrywart tendencies resulted in Oliver gearing up as if it were a daylong trip. A couple of snacks, a journal, thick tube socks, the usual. Any insect acquisitions would be transported with glass jars and fed with whatever food he had brought along for the day. This would all happen [i]after[/i] a much desired visit to the library. It was no exaggeration to say that Amberstone´s library was like a second home to him. There was no other place where so much information over the animal kingdom was readily available. Human societies had placed their focus entirely on dinosaurs and had completely ignored every other form of life on earth. Oliver was smart enough to know that it was because of the danger they posed to society, yet his teenage immaturity made him feel bitter all over. Why couldn´t anyone else appreciate insects like he did? Many of the library´s books were decades old, but if what they claimed was true, then the nutrition inside of most of them made them the holy grail of food sources. Not only that, but the fascinating properties contained within their various secretions and toxins made for an endless forest of possibilities with which humanity could defend itself. It wasn´t hard to see why this fixation of his hadn´t exactly helped him in making friends. A sharp noise caught his attention, causing his body to spin around the same way a small and fidgety animal does when suspicious. The source? Two girls, one of them dressed in white. He had seen her stay in the library every now and then and had concluded she was a grade A weirdo. From her unconventional tastes in clothing to the squabbles she´d get into with others over dinosaurs. Though he vehemently denied it, she reminded him of himself. He turned back to face the direction of the library and kept walking.