Lukas carved in the last "ς" with the now-mangled scissors, and stood up in triumph. He wanted to shout and cheer, but reminded himself of where he was, and kept quiet. No doubt the rest of the class was hard at work, and the last thing they wanted was some guy interrupting their concentration with his obnoxious voice. Still, though, the nameplate took hours to make, and it was surely nearing lunch. He looked around for a clock, but there was none. Not on the walls, at any rate, and he didn't know any of the fellow campers well enough to borrow their timepieces. Lukas patted around in his pockets, hoping beyond all hope that something in there had the time, and his hand enclosed around something square-shaped and cool. Right. He pulled out the phone and looked down at the blurry screen. Yep, it was nearing midday. The phone brought back the scene of when it was given to him, which was joined quickly by more. He missed Theodora. He missed Karen, and Timothy, and the rest of the D&D club. How many weeks of camp did he have? A month, two?