[center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/039eb9e1a42a9a336692e89d36c560c2.png[/img][/center] The coins would jingle into the merchant's hand as the man bought rations from him. He nodded to the merchant and turned to walk off as he bit into it. As the man turns, he swallows and produces a small sigh. [color=Purple]"Percy, you'll have to make this one last for the day.."[/color] As Percy talks to himself, he puts the ration away. [color=Purple]"Port Sesta, why do I get such an odd feeling from this place?[/color] Percy says to himself, shrugging it off. He continued to walk through Port Sesta, arriving at a long dock. Percy didn't like how the old wooden planks creaked loudly, most likely from how old the docks were. It did feel a bit homely to him, though. Percy would walk through Port Sesta, taking in his surroundings while resisting the urge to take another bite of his 'meal'. He wanders about the market district of the Port, making his way through people in order to get wherever he was going. When he thought about it, he wasn't sure himself. Though the smell of salt water and the sound of the sea calmed him quite a bit, he couldn't shake off a bad feeling with all these rumors of pirates. Of course, it would make the average man uneasy, but Percy thought to himself that it wasn't that big of a deal to him. Perhaps he was being over-confident.