It wasn't quite evening, but that didn't much matter in the city of Cedrella. The roads were already busy with people eager to get home and as far away from work as possible. Restaurants were starting to get busy from those trying to avoid the dinner rush and shops were busy seeing customers that wanted to avoid long lines. Plus, there were always students from the local college added to the mix which made the city feel extra busy during certain times of day. The local club, Club Codename was just starting to get ready to open. Most of the staff wasn't required to show until an hour before open. That generally gave the staff enough time to clock in, get their work area ready and get prepared for the usual crowd. It was only when they had live performances that Thomas would ask a few of the staff to help him get set up earlier. Otherwise, it was just Thomas getting everything together until then. Which was fine, the staff usually did a good job cleaning up from the night before so he didn't have much to do himself. Today, though Thomas would be training their newest staff in waiting tables. He suspected it wouldn't be much of a problem, but training was always a time consuming task. One that required his full attention and took away from managing the club and getting events set up for the rest of the week. But, it was a necessary part of the job and he wasn't about to complain about it. He was too old for that. "So, Gabrielle, you are expected to arrive an hour before open which is five o'clock. You are expected to be clocked in and ready to work at that time," Thomas explained to the nervous girl following him around much like a lost puppy. The girl just nodded, so he continued, "When you have clocked in, your job is to look over your section. Make sure everything is clean and set the chairs. The lounge is for more experienced wait staff only, so you will only be working the downstairs area until you've been here for a few months, do you understand." Gabrielle nodded and helped the owner with going over her section of tables for the night.