Mevenn smiled as she turned, powering ahead just assuming that Kresst would keep pace. They didn't have time to waste after all, she wanted to get this mission done so she could get onto far more important things. Dooku was dead, killed above Coruscant and the Separatist alliance was on the back foot, as agents scoured the Galaxy to look for General Grevious who was now the leader of the droid army. Find Grevious and the rest of the Separatists and the war could finally be brought to an end. She just hoped that she could be apart of it, then ocne the peace was restored to the Galaxy the Jedi could go about their standard job of maintaining it. Maybe she could finally try and go down a different path, what that path was now she didn't know. Despite the short time of the war she found it hard to think of a life outside of the war, throughout her childhood it had all been leading up to the War until it's inevitable eruption. Now she would soon have to think about what she would do after the war. She'd stay with Mach and the rest of the squad, if she could. They had been through so much together and she'd want to help them in whatever came next, and maybe eventually help them transition into civillian life. Four more clones awaited them as they arrived in the main seating area of the ship. Patcher - The Medic sat playing Sabaac with Trio and Ace while Hotshot who was the newest to the group appeared to be polishing his weapon. They all stood at attention when the two Jedi entered with Mach. Mevenn merely waved it off as she turned her attention back to the other Jedi. "We've not had a chance to go over the full mission briefing. On our way here we were called to assist at Scarif, there was a Separatist incursion there." "Not that we got to do much." "Cool it Hotshot." The voice told a story between that of Hotshot and Mach. Machs was authoritative and held weight to it. Weight of years, battles lost. Whereas the voice of Hotshot seemed fresh and new, with a level of naivity that he appeared to hold over the others. Mevenn raised her hand at both of them, before continuing to speak. "Apparently some resistance fighters found what could be a Sith artifact out on Belkaden. You're to go see what it is, we're to make sure that no Seps mess with you. Sound about right?" Her tone was that of a veteran. This wasn't her first day, she knew the mission and she would conduct it professionally. She felt like this was a joke, she was essentially babysitting a Jedi who was at least ten years her senior. Surely he knew enough to keep himself safe, and didn't need her to look after him.