[hider=Arata][quote=@Grey] So I decided to post the WIP because I realized if I didn't post the WIP I'd never work on the last bit I need to finish. Anyway this WIP was brought to you by DJ Khaled: [center][img]https://pisces.bbystatic.com/image2/BestBuy_US/images/products/2424/2424312_sa.jpg;maxHeight=640;maxWidth=550[/img][/center] [hider=100% Concentrated Early 2000s Naruto OC] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180727/9286b2c35d96eb3888f7389a5c9f10d2.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/e0765628a7ae3d9bfb119c887f41943b/tumblr_oso4sh19Et1uchcexo1_1280.jpg[/img] [color=#1E90FF][b]“You need to chill out.”[/b][/color][/CENTER][h3]Personal Dossier[/h3][hr][color=878787][sub][color=#1E90FF][b]Name[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Uchiha Arata [/indent] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]Age[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]13[/indent] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Academy Student[/indent] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]Origin[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Konohagakure[/indent] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]Chakra Nature[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Fire[/indent][/color][h3]Characterization[/h3][hr][color=878787][sub][color=#1E90FF][b]Physical Description[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]As one might expect of a pure-blooded Uchiha, Arata is possessed of the traits typically associated with his kin. He has short black hair with centre-parted bangs; he is lean, fair-skinned and dark-eyed; and he has a somewhat boyish, somewhat feminine facial structure. Indeed, from afar he is little more than an unremarkable example of the Uchiha Clan. Upon closer inspection however, there are a few key features that serve to distinguish him from the rest. The most significant of these is assuredly his presence. Arata is a stereotype associated with the basic demeanor of an Uchiha. He is not imposing, he is not pompous, and he is certainly far from intense. His height is only an unremarkable 148cm tall, he carries himself like a low-born slacker, and his eyes lack the same glint of ambition that shows in his family's. Further differences tend to be more subtle, like waviness of his hair and the shape of his eyebrows. Coming from a traditional clan, it might be natural to suppose he dresses traditionally, but Arata prefers modern styles to the wide-collared garments his clan members keep buying for him. He especially likes jackets, sweaters and related outerwear for their combination of functionality and style. [/indent] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]Personality[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]The identity of Uchiha Arata has largely been shaped by a lifelong struggle against the external forces trying to control him. With little opportunity to define himself independently growing up, he has instead chosen to define himself in relation to how others define him. As a result, his personality is fundamentally more emotionally and socially reactive than it is proactive. He is determined, capable of picking up on social cues others might miss and always willing to call out others on their shit; at the same time, he is passive-aggressive, incapable of carrying a conversation well, and generally lacking in a sense of ambition. He is very much type of person who can tell you everything he doesn't want, but will greatly struggle when trying to express what it is that he desires beyond that. Naturally he tends to internalize rather than externalize. Though he is no longer afraid of his father and the clan elders, Arata's upbringing has lead to a disillusionment with the idea of the benevolence of tradition and deference to authority that old-blood shinobi clans often cite. That said, he is still a product of that system regardless of the fact that he chooses to defy it. Even if he often disdains those who uphold tradition as gospel, it's clear he doesn't really know how to fix it in a cohesive and comprehensive manner. He tends towards modernity not because it is the best way, but because it's the only clear other way as far as he's knows. Much of Arata's reputation is built on the existing stereotypes regarding the Uchiha and the various misconceptions that arise from his status. He's regarded as very much an "Uchiha genius"-type of Uchiha. That is to say, he's skilled without working for it and generally unapproachable by nature. While it's not quite an accurate assessment, it isn't without its foundation in truth. His social life is practically nonexistent and he isn't a very outgoing person in the first place; it takes a certain persistence that many lack to maintain a friendship with him, and even then there's not really a sweet side to unearth. He spends most of his time in class slacking off despite being extremely good at the whole shinobi thing, and the way he talks can rub people the wrong way. In that respect, it's easy to see how he fits the stereotype. However, Arata doesn't shun socialization and he certainly puts in the work behind the scenes to earn his power. The latter is something that's a source of endless frustration for Arata, and one he knows he can't push for correcting or subverting. But the thing that frustrates him the most is when people see him as a title more than a person. All his life his success has been treated as something to further someone else's ambitions, even many of his peers are not exempt from this in the way they see him as something to surpass. It's essentially killed his reverence for reputation and accolades, as well as his drive to achieve for the sake of achieving. But even with all the reasons in the world not to, Arata still continues on the path of the shinobi. Whether he finds what he's looking for remains to be seen. [/indent] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]Personal History[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Uchiha Arata is the fourth child to result from the political marriage between Uchiha Satoru, the Junidaime Hokage, and Uchiha Mio, the heiress apparent to the Uchiha Clan. Of his siblings, he is the only one to be considered a viable heir to the clan, the only one to receive personal training from their father, and the only one to be born with the necessary aptitude to unlock the marque dojutsu of the clan. These facts are not unrelated; Arata is not simply the fourth child, but also the fourth and final iteration of Uchiha Satoru's plan to groom a worthy successor. From that statement alone, one can surmise that the type of family dynamic Arata grew up with was not a particularly idyllic one. Indeed, many of his traumas may have been mitigated or even eliminated if the family had developed a stronger sense of solidarity to challenge their patriarch’s malignant influence. Instead, Arata was surrounded by siblings that pitied him at best and resented him at worst, a battered mother consumed by self-loathing, and a father who saw his family only as a means to increase his own prestige. The clan elders were of no help either; like Satoru, they saw themselves as hard men making a hard decision for the sake of their clan’s prosperity, and so the family would be resigned to suffering in silence. Much like his siblings, Arata would be prepared for the life of a shinobi at an inordinately young age. Unlike them, his regimen would be far more intensive because he was his father's last shot at a "useful" child. And considering the regimen his siblings grew up with was quite intensive in the first place, Arata did not have much in the way of respite. Receiving personal training from the Hokage is many a shinobi's dream, but it was more traumatic than it was enlightening for the young Uchiha--even if one cannot deny that it successfully achieved its intent. He would be pushed past his physical, mental, and spiritual limits on a daily basis; refusal to continue would be corrected by means of force, as tended to be the case with most things in the household. Unused to being pushed so hard, it's no surprise that a younger Arata would quickly begin to crack under the pressure. Afraid of his father and unacknowledged by his siblings, he would turn to his mother for the emotional support he needed to carry him through. However she was as much a victim as he was, and eventually Arata was forced to face the reality that if she kept "making him soft-hearted" she would get hurt. Without anyone to go to, Arata would eventually be pushed to run from home in an attempt to escape his family. Many of these attempts ended up with him quickly being located by his ex-ANBU father, but during his seventeenth attempt, the routine changed slightly. At some point, he had crossed into the hunting grounds of the Senju Clan, and midway into a well-deserved nap, he was woken up by the two daughters of the Senju Clan head. After a highly sanitized explanation of what exactly he was doing in their territory, Arata was brought to the main household and subjected to an awkward few hours of interaction with the family of Senju Ohtarama. Despite being clearly out of his element in such a classically domestic household, he wasn't treated as an unwelcome presence, and his clan's historic rivals were quite accommodating. Of course, he was found by his father and forced to return home, but it was during this brief time that Arata would lay the foundations of a friendship with the youngest of Ohtarama's daughters that would prove to last. At the age of eight, Arata unlocked the Sharingan. Though he was praised as a genius for the feat, it was no (un)fortunate turn of fate or feat of personal genius that forced the awakening of his eyes. Rather, it the product of a designed emotional response years in the making. From the beginning, Uchiha Satoru had deemed the extended influence of his wife on his successor to be a danger to his plan, but even he was shrewd enough to see the potential benefit of it. Opting to kill two birds with one stone, Satoru would allow Arata to emotionally fetter himself to his mother before enacting his plot to irreparably damage her credibility. In theory, the resulting emotional trauma would activate his son's kekkei genkai, and as we know, it worked perfectly. Arata's training would ramp up from this point in an effort to acquire rapid mastery of his Sharingan. But as dark as his home life is, Arata's student life is about as relaxed as can be. Whether out of sympathy or indifference, the academy instructor for their class, his older brother, would allow him to slack off during lectures. Of course this hasn't helped his public image in the least, but snide remarks from his peers are nothing compared to the opportunity for a solid period of rest. With a poor reputation and even poorer charm, Arata is definitely lacking socially. Fortunately, he's mostly content to follow around his best friend. Although depending on who you ask, it's the other way around. Academically, his poor in class behavior has been far more than compensated for by the stringent training regimen he endures daily. While intentionally sabotaging his performance would be a good way to spite his father, Arata hasn't done so simply because certain people would get mad at him for it and that would be very inconvenient. [/indent] [sub][color=897D6B][b]Character Development & Conceptualization[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Text. [/indent][/color][h3]Attributes[/h3][hr][color=878787][sub][color=#1E90FF][b]Character Focus & Skillset[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=white][b]Sharingan[/b][/color] While it is no secret that Arata possesses the fully-matured manifestation of his clan's dojutsu, the number of people who have seen him use it can be counted on a single hand. Some consider his refusal a matter of egoism or secrecy, but it is not an honor reserved for worthy opponents or a trump card to fight for one's ninja way. Instead it's fundamentally about what he believes his eyes represent, namely everything wrong with the Uchiha Clan. Until he finally comes to terms with his family, his past and his place in this world, he might as well not have a Sharingan in the first place. [color=white][b]Uchiha Eugenics[/b][/color] Refined to a razor edge by centuries of strictly-enforced intrafamilial breeding, the Uchiha have accrued infamy throughout the shinobi world for the genetic advantages of their bloodline. The Sharingan is by far the most iconic of these, but there are other, far more universal boons that their pedigree bestows. The blood grants them chakra of the utmost quality and bodies that boast power and coordination in equal parts. With such a compatibility with combat, there is no question that the members of the Uchiha Clan are born and bred for the life of a shinobi. Arata does not stray from this universal truth--in fact, his training has almost definitely enhanced these natural talents--but the prodigiousness he demonstrates is no product of bloodline alone. Not many care to make the distinction, however. [color=white][b]Uchiha Style Ninja Arts[/b][/color] The Uchiha's infamy as the premier warrior clan of Konohagakure tends to center around their ability to coopt the techniques of others, but an oft forgotten fact is that they have developed and passed down techniques of their own. The vast majority of these techniques are founded in bukijutsu, but there exists a number of techniques that fall under purely chakra-based disciplines, such as Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique. As is the case with standard ninja arts, common practice is to develop a wide baseline and specialize from there; so it should come as very little surprise that Arata has developed a strong foundation in the many subsets of the style. Worth noting is that his tool specialties are swords and shuriken, and that he tends to use shuriken as the primary weapon rather than the sword, which serves as a sidearm. [color=white][b]Genjutsu Expertise[/b][/color] Of the major shinobi disciplines, Arata exhibits the greatest compatibility with genjutsu. Despite it being the field he's been trained in the least as a result of his father’s skillset, the chakra control and intellectual capabilities Arata has cultivated through his training more than satisfy the necessary entry requirements, and more than any other skill, it is his proficiency in genjutsu that makes him a useful addition to any team. He prefers more immediately useful illusions that can be fired off the cuff over subtle, long-term ones meant to slowly drive others to insanity or subjugation, but this speaks more to his personality than his skill. [color=white][b]Combat Experience[/b][/color] Uchiha Arata has about eight years' experience training under a man with very few scruples and quite frankly obscene firepower. Although undoubtedly traumatized by the experience, one can hardly deny that it's been beneficial in cultivating good habits for a shinobi to have--even if peacetime is slowly eroding the necessity for some of them. His base observational capacity and composure under all sorts of stress are considered top-notch by his teachers, and while some of his strategies could be better thought out, it's no question that he's good at thinking of them quickly. However as an unfortunate byproduct of solo training, he has very little experience working with a team. When taken into account with his social failings, Arata is rightfully considered to be a poor leadership candidate, even if he is an excellent shinobi otherwise. [/indent][color=white][h3]Jutsu List[/h3][/color][hr][sub][color=#1E90FF][b]S Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]N/A[/indent] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]A Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]N/A[/indent] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]B Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]N/A[/indent] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]C Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Great_Fireball_Technique]Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Uchiha_Style:_Dance_of_the_Sun_Halo]Uchiha Style: Dance of the Sun Halo[/url] Uchiha Style: I'll Think of Something Chuuni Later[/indent] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]D Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Genjutsu_Binding]Genjutsu Binding[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Manipulated_Shuriken_Technique]Manipulated Shuriken Techniques[/url] Uchiha One Sword Style Kenjutsu Techniques[/indent] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]E Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/E-rank]Academy Techniques[/url][/indent][/color] [sub][color=#1E90FF][b]Custom Techniques[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][hider=Uchiha Style: ITOSCL] [b]Classification[/b] Bukijutsu, Chakra Flow, Genjutsu [b]Nature[/b] Yin Release [b]Rank[/b] C [b]Class[/b] Supplementary [b]Range[/b] All Ranges [b]Hand Seals[/b] N/A [b]Description[/b] A genjutsu technique that is prepared by imbuing shinobi tools with Yin Release chakra and triggered when the opponent perceives the incoming weapon attack. The resulting illusion is one that alters the properties and parameters of the attack to reduce the enemy's ability to evade. This includes things like the trajectory of shuriken attacks, the target of a sword strike, the approach of a charge, and so on. Being struck by the illusion inflicts pain that is part of the illusion. The illusion automatically ends when the imbued chakra is exerted, or when the real attack inflicts pain. At advanced levels, the illusion can fabricate the effect of secondary attributes, such as lightning or fire chakra flow. [/hider] [hider=Uchiha One Sword Style Kenjutsu Techniques] [b]Classification[/b] Fighting Style, Kenjutsu [b]Nature[/b] N/A [b]Rank[/b] D [b]Class[/b] Offensive, Defensive [b]Range[/b] Close-Mid Range [b]Hand Seals[/b] N/A [b]Description[/b] A sword style characterized by the use of defensive movements and unorthodox bladework to create openings for a decisive attack. Common among techniques of this style are grip alternation, quick draws and rapid footwork, as well as the use of the sword as a tool to transition into other fighting styles and other maneuvers normal swordsmen would balk at. As such, it shouldn't be called a swordsman's style so much as an assassin's. At advanced levels, the use of the Sharingan is required to execute techniques with complete efficacy. [Here is where I would put techniques but I'd need to think of chuuni names for all of them] [/hider] [/indent] [/hider] [/quote][/hider] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/PlaintiveFelineAnteater-poster.jpg[/img] [img]http://pa1.narvii.com/6864/057699cfafce5e9991a256d87f540f75a0db46d3r1-450-253_00.gif[/img]