[center][color=cyan][h1]Riley Ridgeway[/h1][/color] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/c5953ec1f0b1c08769c57ea592afb7ca/tumblr_o9dq904Wfj1von8z1o1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Fisher & Sons Funeral Home, Grimm, Indiana Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Riley was gratful for the company, even though Pyria really didn't have to she didn't have any obligation, not to mention the case as well that Roy and Pyira had to do but to her but regardless she was glad to have someone with her. [color=cyan]"Thank you again, it really does mean a lot.."[/color] Riley said softly as she stuffed her hands into her pockets as she looked around the funeral home. Her mind started to think about going to a bar in town at some point later on in the day. She could use a few beers after all of the paperwork and all of the arrangements for Chloe as well were done. Riley turned her head when she started to hear a loud clap of thunder and a bit of lightening as well, at least she was right about the storm now. Then Riley turned her head towards the stairs as she heard someone coming down the stairs, she watched the man approaching the two of them noting the stress on his face. Riley couldn't blame him really, working in a funeral home was probably stressful and having to deal with grieving families as well. [color=cyan]"Thank you, it's nice to meet you i'm Riley Chloe's sister.."[/color] Riley said, as she could feel a bought of tears form slightly it was the last thing that she wanted to do returning to Grimm. Riley then reached over and gave him a firm handshake, before stepping to the side so that Pyria could introduce herself.