[@Wick][h1][color=royalblue][center][img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/d4089335253554297d6d88f39bbf5544/tumblr_inline_o3fdwqUoGK1qbp5za_500.gif[/img] Elias[/center][/color][/h1][hr] [color=ed145b]"Elias, are you really okay with all of this?"[/color] Her words gave the Grimm pause, letting silence fill the room as he considered it. "Okay" was certainly not the word he would choose to describe his current situation and his feelings on it. In many ways, Alexis had robbed him of many freedoms and opportunities in his life. In others, she had opened new doors and provided an entire host of unique scenarios for him to explore. It was all a large amount to process, and it overwhelmed the man. It had taken away his freedoms and liberties to do as he pleased when it came to combat, politics, social encounters, and even his sexuality. He would abstain, but it still troubled him. Would she be expecting him to engage in intercourse immediately upon marriage? He had decided to be patient with that, as Alexis' reputation had been at stake, and he truly wanted their relationship to work. And what about his hunting? Now he had a future wife and family to consider. If he got injured or killed while in combat, however unlikely he thought that outcome to be, it would have massive ramifications for the ones he loved. As for his rage? How would he control that around a family? He was no man to raise a child, much less multiple, as Alexis had inferred. Would that affect his relationship with his wife? How would it all turn out? Lastly, and perhaps most important, Elias felt a great sadness within himself. However unrealistic it seemed, Elias had always hoped that perhaps, one day, he would marry a man. Now that was never going to happen. After a few minutes of silence, Elias sighed. [color=royalblue]"We must return to their company. I'm sure they're waiting for us.."[/color]