[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ZjeEDH6.png?1[/img][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180808/1b302e5c304ded4c8fa3ecc9ef365c29.png[/img][hr][/center][indent][quote][sub][color=85B3C4]Posting Expectations:[/color] Casual [color=85B3C4]Genre(s):[/color] Anime, School, Slice of Life [color=85B3C4]Players:[/color] Variable[/sub] [url=https://discord.gg/54Bh4pk][sub][ discord ][/sub][/url] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wvWBkidVqI][ ♫ ][/url][/sub][/quote] Fujioka Senior High is a Japanese High School located in the small rural city of Kurosuoba, Japan. Fujioka is not a world class institution, it is not located in an international hotspot, and it most definitely isn't the subject of anything or [i]anyone[/i] important. Fujioka is a product of “kinda rural” Japan – a place where Japanese suburbia comes to die. Those who live in the dreary, unassuming city are rather normal citizens of the nation of the rising sun and their children desperately want a way out. Nobody wants to live their whole life in a city of nothingness and mundanity. Players will seek to challenge the status quo (or reinforce it) of Kurosuoba, playing first year students at Fujioka Senior High School. Each of them will have different backgrounds, though given the prospect of an anime school life roleplay most will probably have overlap. If applying players wish to apply as an international student they may do that, but they do so in knowing that this is not luxurious or interesting of a locale to send your child overseas for so a compelling reason will probably be desirable. My character sheet for this RP will be lax, but I do expect a level of immersion in the playerbase. For those who have issues with the differences or necessary things to know there will be information provided below and through question & answer with the GM's. If you have any concerns or desires, do let either me or Sola know so we can address them in a timely fashion.[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180809/838848245b8d91cf36dcbbd1473bb141.png[/img][hr][/center] [indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tpBcXg1.png[/img][/center] Standing on the western shores of historic Lake Biwa, -[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180808/d65e1de62694103b2b34621dfb08e698.png[/img][hr][/center][indent][b]Car Ownership in Japan:[/b] [url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120208060752/http://www.sendaiedu.com/owningacar.html]Sendai EDU Information Dump[/url] [b]Cellphones in Japan:[/b] [url=https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2223.html]Japan-Guide Article[/url] [b]Japanese Cellphone Retailer:[/b] [url=kyoex.com]KYOEX Website[/url] [b]Japanese School Differences:[/b] [url=http://jennajapan.blogspot.com/2014/08/differences-between-japanese-and.html]Jennajapan Blog Commentary[/url][/indent] [center][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180808/b3067cd287f81d1adb310e858bdf08d8.png[/img][hr][/center][indent][b]Pacing:[/b] Activity will be left vague as social obligations such as employment, academics, and so forth take precedent over a shared hobby. But we should try to post with some regularity. Obligations will be reminded if needed, but this is a low stress endeavor so we shouldn't feel the need to make extreme demands regarding this. Just communicate your schedule when there are issues and keep me informed is the bulk of it. [b]Writing Ability:[/b] The writing level I expect is somewhere around medium expectations (high school-level equivalent). This means comprehensive understanding of basic grammar and spelling is expected, characterization is important, narrative is important, and detail behind those are appreciated. I’d like to see a few paragraphs, though if it fits a post that there is enough to respond to and react to within one paragraph than that’s fine, but one-liner’s will definitely be off-base. Keep with the fluidity and enjoy yourself; though quality posts don’t have to be textbooks. Quality over Quantity, yet have fun and make engaging moments of introspection and interaction. With that said, I will not be putting posts under extreme analysis nor will I be inciting a “word count”. So just use your personal judgment of quality and we’ll be awesome. [b]Etiquette:[/b] Rule number zero of my perspective is pretty simple; don’t test my patience or be an irredeemable jerk. Generally, the idea here is a simplified version of any sort of rules since we are all adults and we pretty much know the big rules — follow the host site’s rules, communicate, collaborate, and don’t be antagonistic towards others or at the very least keep the toxicity to a bare minimum. Playful banter and crass jokes are one thing; but actively making somebody feel unwelcome is another one entirely. There is a difference between being blunt and being tactless. [b]Characterization:[/b] Characters should be aged 14-going-on-15 (with older students turning 16 soon), exceptions can be made for younger characters due to intellect but acceptance of such a character would be narrowed down to less applications. [b]Applying:[/b] I will be reviewing sheets on their merits with my co-GM staff. [/indent]