[color=gray] [center] [h1][color=white][b]Gwynne Lancet[/b][/color][/h1] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIzM9p3dUm8][Mood Music][/url] [/center] The aetheric energy flowing through Gwynne's body was indeed taking its toll on her. Even though Topesh's gift had allowed her to contain more aether than the average human, it was a power that she had never gotten quite accustomed to. There was rarely a moment when Gwynne had to rely upon containing aether, but then again, there was rarely a moment when she was outnumbered ten to one in an ambush. She was breathing heavily, and the red glow in her eyes flickered as the energy tapered off. Her posture had dropped, it was was obvious that the containment had physically exhausted her. She looked at the surrounding footmen, knowing that their opponent was on her last legs. Gwynne clenched her teeth, [color=white][b]"Come at me, imperial dogs! Your job isn't finished here until my blood touches the ground!"[/b][/color] Much to Gwynne's surprise, an arrow passed by and grazed along one of the soldier's neck. The suddenness caught the rest off guard, long enough for another of the chosen to come charging forward to help her. Two soldiers broke off from fighting Gwynne to confront the new threat. It didn't matter if they formed a defensive line to keep him cut off from Gwynne. Salvio broke through them easily and fell in right next to her. She nodded to him, her breath heavy as she spoke, [color=white][b]"Thanks..."[/b][/color]. With his assistance, there were only two footmen left. Gwynne caught her second wind, reinvigorated now that she had an ally to fight alongside. Even though the aether in her body had mostly dissipated, Gwynne still had enough left in her to make her somewhat stronger and faster. Now that she had an ally, Gwynne could focus on one footman, while Salvio took the other. Gwynne stepped forward aggressively, making the footman think she was pressing into a direct charge. He lunged forward with his spear, but what surprised when Gwynne expertly sidestepped the lunge. She grabbed the shaft of the spear, and brought a powerful palm strike down on the shaft. Normally, a palm strike like that would do nothing to a properly made spear. But Gwynne's aether enhancement granted her enough strength to splinter the wood around her strike. The spear broke in two pieces, and Gwynne had the end with the steel tip. The soldier gasped in surprised, but expertly dropped the spear to unsheathe his short sword. Taking the spearhead was only to force him into another action, distracting him long enough for Gwynne to build up aetheric energy in the palm of her hand. The air around her hand condensed and turned to frost. The small cloud of frost condensed further, turning into a cluster of razor sharp shards of ice. The footman was waiting for a stroke from the spearhead, but instead received four frost bolts. Two shot low, piercing clean through both of his knees and sending him to the ground. The third ripped through the bicep of his sword arm, while the third stuck itself into his thigh. The bolt in his thigh punched into the ground to keep him pinned there. Gwynne chose not to worry about the other footman, confident that Salvio would be capable of dealing with him. The red force orb floated near the pinned footman, and spoke aloud, [color=firebrick][i]"Playing with your food before you eat, apostate?"[/i][/color] The soldier shivered in fear from the sinister voice emanating from the crystal ball. Gwynne nodded, [color=white][b]"He'll provide us with answers."[/b][/color] [center][color=white][b]__________[/b][/color][/center] [center] [h1][color=white][b]Armandus Treyathal[/b][/color][/h1] [/center] Armand sat on horseback just outside of the battlefield. He rode alongside the regiment commander and his entourage. The entourage consisted of his flag bearer, a body guard, and a messenger. Armand was taken by the sight of the battle. [color=white][b]"These are no simple cultists, captain."[/b][/color] The captain glanced sidelong at Armandus and nodded slowly, [color=white][i]"So it would seem... No cultist is capable of besting my men in such a way. The magic..."[/i][/color] He trailed off in thought. Armand saw fit to keep the captain's words going, [color=white][b]"Is the work of a greater, far eviler power."[/b][/color] The captain took a deep breath and watched the battle ensue, [color=white][i]"What are you not telling me, my lord?"[/i][/color] [color=white][b]"Excuse me?"[/b][/color] Armand said, looking back to the captain. [color=white][i]"You said it yourself, these are no normal cultists. Not only that, but when we happened across you, one of your battle magi had been severely crippled, and you seemed quite eager to leave her behind to pursue these cultists. There is a greater purpose for your being here, and I will not be a simple pawn rushing blindly into a conflict I know nothing about."[/i][/color] Armand was impressed by the captain. It was easy to tell why he was in command of this band of soldiers, even if many of them had fallen. The captain spoke his mind, and understood that he needed to approach situations with all the cards laid out on the table. Armand looked back to the battle, [color=white][b]"Very well, captain. I'm tracking one particular individual. That one there."[/b][/color] He pointed in the distance to the single woman surrounded by six footmen. [color=white][i]"What about her?"[/i][/color] the captain asked, taking an interest in the woman. [color=white][b]"That is the apostate Gwynne Lancet. Perhaps you've heard of her."[/b][/color] [color=white][i]"I know of the name. Though admittedly, I left the care to a more capable group meant to hunt apostates down. You wish to bring her to justice?"[/i][/color] [color=white][b]"At first, yes. But there have been developments. She may play a part in greater events to come, I'm trying to discern as to what role that is."[/b][/color] The captain looked over to his messenger and gestured something to him. The messenger nodded and rode off back down the road they came from. The captain glanced back to Armand, [color=white][i]"I can have my men capture her. She doesn't look like the one to put up a fight for long- Gods Above!"[/i][/color] He cut himself off when he witnessed fire blast out from Gwynne's hand and incinerate a man to nothing. Never in his life had he seen such potent magic. [color=white][i]"I thought such magic wasn't possible!"[/i][/color] [color=white][b]"That's part of my curiosity about her. Though her potency in magic isn't exclusive to her. My companion, the crippled one, claims that the aetherwinds around that apostate are more potent than that of any magi tower. It appears Gwynne has found a way to conjure the winds as they once were. At the heart of my suspicions is that orb following her."[/b][/color] The captain looked over at Armand, [color=white][i]"Well, my lord, I would be for acquiring this witch and her orb. But unfortunately it isn't as simple as that when she is accompanied by a host of equally as capable warriors."[/i][/color] Armand nodded thoughtfully, [color=white][b]"I suppose you are right. We should observe for now and study our enemy. I'm sure another opportunity will arise where we can strike. You should pull your men back, captain. It is clear we are outmatched today..."[/b][/color] [/color]