[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180817/a3df3a1c9aa39fbfb23c6147c10e2e19.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/AZz3c9b.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Palm Beach, Florida[/b] August 13th, 2018[/color][hr][/right] [indent]Jonathan James Reyes, J.J. to his close family and friends, took a heavy breath outside of his grandfather's house on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Though he didn't want to show it, he wasn't exactly in the best of spirits. He had spent the last three consecutive years of his high school “career” at Trinity School of New York City and just as he was pushing for a championship in his to-be senior year his father made the decision to whisk him and his sister from their comfy lives in Manhattan and relocate them to Palm Beach. J.J. couldn't help but see why his father did what he did, but he was still disappointed. He hadn't argued even once since the move was announced, though his sister on the other hand had come to Florida kicking and screaming. Safe to say the two siblings weren't much alike. His sister had tried to push him to make a stand with her – “we're stronger together” – as if that would've changed the fact that the family needed to be in Florida for a little while. Between his grandfather's failing health and his grandmother's upcoming funeral, it was a hard argument to make. And it wasn't really one J.J. was going to make. He may have been a docile “doormat” according to his sister, but at the very least he was just trying to make sense of things and move one step at a time. It's not like he hadn't thought of petitioning to stay in New York by himself, but in times like this was it really the right thing to do to insist to focus on his own needs rather than what the entire family needed from him? Even if he couldn't adapt in Palm Beach he could still play at college after it was all said and done. He may have had dreams of the NBA, but he wasn't in a rush to make his mark quite yet. He was still trying to take his time in what his uncle called the “glory years”. He looked up to the basketball rim in front of him. It was a ritual of sorts. He took his shot. [b][color=5A9B91]“BRICK!”[/color][/b] As the ball went through the basket he turned to look at his sister with the usual look. [color=709679]“Seriously?”[/color] He knew his sister was upset by the move and his lack of “balls”, but he didn't think she would take it out on him before their first week in Florida was over. But then again his sister was vindictive, petty, and full of attitude. Her friends back in New York had always let her do whatever she wanted and damn the consequences. J.J. was certain his own parents thought the change of scenery would even her out; it was a sentiment that J.J. thought was stupid. But at the end of the day he would have to deal with it. Claws and all. She rolled her eyes in her usual way. [color=5A9B91]“Seriously.”[/color] [color=709679]“It's Florida, Maya. Not prison.”[/color] [color=5A9B91]“For [i]you[/i] maybe. It's too fucking hot.”[/color] He chuckled as he shook his head, moving over to where he had sat down his jacket after breakfast. He had taken up enough time waiting for his sister and now she had decided to grace him with her presence. She may have been full of sass but she was ready to get to school even if she preferred to be back home in New York. [color=709679]“You'll get used to it. C'mon, we should beat the traffic and get to school.”[/color] [color=5A9B91]“Yeah. Whatever.”[/color] Though he knew she wasn't going to do it without complaining all the way to the academy. Such was life. [/indent]