Mevenn waved a hand at Kresst. "We don't need an assignment that is a vacation, the war going on we have more important things to be doing right now." No doubt Kresst could sense Mevenns agitation, it rolled off her. She just wanted to get this mission over and done with so that she could get back to the more important issues at hand. If she could be the one to find and finish Grevious. That would have been her way in order to become a Master and recognition throughout the order. Maybe then her former master would stop harping on about her choice of attire. As if it was the most important thing going on right now. Mevenn nodded to Ace who sighed and threw down his cards before moving off to the cockpit to fire up the engines in order to have them underway. "So, fancy seeing you're quarters? The trip to Belkaden isn't exactly short, and you may want to stay aboard when we reach Belkaden. Just for safety reasons of course. I don't think they've set up a Garrison yet-" She turned to Mach who shook his head. "-Yeah they've not set up a Garrison yet on Belkaden so there could still be some Separatist unrest on the planet."