[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/86e01a44-f008-4277-9b2f-a1114814271c.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180808/3e1e5f7b71899535da07072561867085.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [h3]Modern[/h3] Time skip 02/07/00 1 month since arrival [@Heyitsjiwon][@jorcool][@NecroKnight] [/center] As the people of earth continued to colonized the archipelago. Working the land and taming the wild as they see fill finding many more creatures of useless creatures and flora that will further aid them to their destined path to prosperity while discovering those that would prove to halter them. But, as they would see the islands would house an eerie number of serpents or reptiles more than the others which would in turn cause a few disasters but, the creatures would know to make room towards their new neighbors. While a few seem docile and far from trouble a problematic species of them started to contest control from them. Large numbers of serpents that previously would blend well in the background surprise a large number of colonist when they saw the creatures out of their dens in the jungle. As one account would tell of how some of the them have the ability to could easily swallow a van whole. One of the first encounters recorded would be when an explorer by the name of Robert wandered too far from his colony in order to investigate the strange noise that originated from the dense forests of the isles which unfortunately for him, he would soon later be found as an lone bloody arm attached scattered around the flora of the island. These would creatures in turn would bear great resemblances to the creature that once slithered on their own planetearth in the age of dinosaurs called the Titanoboa. These creatures were extremely aggressive and intelligent as they were seen setting up traps and would cunningly escape their hunters in some cases and with them being cold blooded the option of using thermal reliant equipment would provide little to no help at all which presented another problem with hunting down the predators. Some of them would size up to be as big as an small house and of course some exceptions would be the massive variants that was discovered underwater that primary hunted the large creatures under water that could explain their massive size while few in number and less aggressive than its cousins on land a few ships and villagers have fallen to these leviathans. One of the most notable of these creatures would be known as the blue death. Which was an hyper aggressive sub species that these variants of these creatures have that behaved strangely as it would openly seek out ships in the busy trade route that would now run between the various colonies situated in the archipelago. But, one of them would gain infamy as it had gathered a large enough bounty that several aspiring captains would see themselves hunting down this monster called the "blue death". [hr] [center] [h3]Fantasy[/h3] Time skip 02/07/00 1 month since the pillar of life [@Willy Vereb][@Jangel13][@Liotrent] [/center] As the two prominent councils of Titania have formed and have sent out its diplomats in order to formally start off the first ever international meeting to decide for a unitary goal. Soon, politics and pretty squabbles were presented as long history human abusing the halflings have created rivalries within the council as these would often be discussed with either one trying to gather as much support as they can from the members of the council. A movement for unitary cooperation would soon devolve into abuse of power and power plays as the various started to forge strong secret alliances that would in turn the favor of getting the most benefits out of it. But, as most of the world leaders gather in one spot aspiring men have gathered their wills and rallied the people for them giving rise to a series of rebellions that would in turn change once more the territories within the highlands and its neighbors. One of which would be the increase of pirate activity in the so called central isles that some of the races would occupied. After a few months after the incident a few religious sect have formed their own opinions based in their teachings. With some viewing it as a good omen with others a punishment from the gods due to the impurities of their actions and due to this a certain amount of unrest was generated to the point of open rebellions or strikes that would often cause an disruption to the fragile daily life of these people.