[center][h3]Prince Eliezer of Dainia | Aged 24[/h3] [img]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/932/42952824875_b77ea58283.jpg[/img] "[url=https://www.deviantart.com/rukavermillion15/art/SV-for-Escente-437031104]SV for Escente[/url]" by [url=https://www.deviantart.com/rukavermillion15]RukaVermillion15[/url] licensed under [url=https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/]CC BY-NC-ND 3.0[/url] Prince Eliezer’s destiny had been set from the moment he was born – to eventually become the ruler of Dainia. He owed his title of the kingdom’s Crown Prince to the mere twenty minutes between his birth and the birth of his twin brother Mathazar. Eliezer had been groomed and bred from an early age to present himself as a respectable figure to the public, and over the years, his impartiality, generosity and gestures of benevolence had won the hearts of many. Amidst all the attention he had been receiving from both his family and the public, Eliezer had tried to make his brother a significant part of his life, though the younger would still slip his mind on multiple occasions. Due to his upbringing, Eliezer comes across as an uptight and conservative individual. His speech sounds rather scripted during one-on-one interactions, and he usually finds trouble with truly expressing himself in words. Running the kingdom and finding a wife to continue the bloodline of the royal family in the future, to him, would simply be his duty and obligation as the Crown Prince. Alone, his pursuits in art and music provide him with his, at times, much-needed diversions from having to be the perfect future king.[/center]