Old Miso City had a charm Aki did not have often to appreciate; for the only time she went outside her normal schedule of home, school, and fighting, was when her grandmother decided it was a good parenting technique to force her grandchild out of the house for some sight seeing in the old neighborhood. The older had said it would do her some good, to be away from the house and outside in the real world for a little while. But didn’t her grandmother know that more work needed to be done? Didn’t she understand that Aki didn’t want to enter the real world? That it was far too intense for her even if she wasn’t always so overwhelmed? Still though, as she heard the slight crinkle of powdery snow under her feet and smelled the essence of clear and cold winter in the air, the albino remembered why she liked winter so much. In winter, everything slept, a calmness took over the city that did not exist during the rest of the year. It brought a small smile to her chapped lips and allowed her to release a relieved breath that looked like smoke. As she continued her walk Aki noticed a presence growing more pronounced the farther she walked into Old Miso City. Subconsciously Aki made her way to the presence. She could tell that it was other magical girls, though she didn’t know how many, and by the way they complimented the pure air she could tell they hadn’t fallen. The presence was at its strongest when Aki walked in front of an old fashioned restaurant. Aki’s desire for companionship swelled slightly as she looked on at the door; would the girl inside be willing to talk? To listen to Aki? But another part of her was afraid, her introverted nature telling her to continue with her walk in silence; but even introverts need connections. Aki opened the door timidly.