As Ko made to continue further, keeping vigil of her surroundings, the forest she was walking through gave off an eerie, unfamiliar feeling. It wasn't like any forest Kosara had roamed through before. As hard as she tried to spy any druidic markings, Ko could find none. Which was strange indeed as druids tended to leave hidden messages here and there throughout the woods with useful information. But this forest... It was as if no druid had ever set foot in it. And just as Kosara was scanning her gaze in search of druid messages, she noticed something else entirely. A large owl... Certainly lager than a normal owl. Perched on a branch. But the majestic creature appeared not to notice her and instead turned and focused its gaze on something else. That's when the druid noticed a nasty gash on the owl's wing. [i]Oh, you poor, beautiful bird![/i] Ko frowned and wondered if she would be able to coax the owl to let her treat that wound. She stepped forward slowly and carefully intent on doing just that when she noticed a disproportionately large centipede. The scale of the creature made its hideous form pop out in stark detail. Kosara shivered in disgust. What disturbed her even more was the fact that the gross bug-creature was paying her no mind and had its sights firmly set on the injured owl. "Oh, no you don't!" Ko whispered under her breath. She muttered a quick incantation and her simple wooden staff slowly began to change shape. It became thorny and gnarled, while a knotted nest formed on the top where a green fluorescent light flickered to life and began pulsing steadily. Kosara launched herself at the centipede! She managed to catch the creature off guard and dealt it a fierce blow, before it could react. Surprised as the bug was Ko tried for a second blow, but was so disgusted by the puss that was ejected by the creature's wounds, that her second attack went wide. The druid grunted with the effort to reestablish her stance as the owl seized the chance and threw itself at the bug with claw and beak. And just like that, before Ko even had the chance to attack a second time, the centipede was dead! "Serves you right, you nasty bug! Attacking that beautiful owl." The druid directed gentle eyes at the wounded owl. Now she really wanted to persuade the animal to approach her and treat its wound, as it had helped her in the fight. Ko relaxed her stance, her morphed staff beginning slowly to revert back to its usual form. "Come, brave bird. I shall do you no harm. I only wish to help." The druid whispered, standing perfectly still, allowing the owl to make its own mind. And before she knew it, Kosara felt a whoosh of air as the snow-white bird landed quietly before her. "That's it, magnificent creature." The druid approached and slowly extended her arm, grazing the injured wing with her fingers. A spark of nature magic jumped from her fingers to the owl and the wound on its wing slowly closed. "There. That's better!" Kosara murmured as she stroked her index finger along the owl's neck, the feathers there as smooth as silk. "But my, you are such a gorgeous and noble creature!" The druid sighed. "Would you agree to be my familiar and accompany me on my travels?" Ko asked the owl in all seriousness as if the animal could understand her words. And surprisingly, the huge bird fixed her nocturnal eyes on Kosara's squawked in gratitude and took to the air in a flash. "Ah!" The druid gasped in disappointment, arm extended after the owl. "Oh, well. Goodbye, noble owl. I hope we meet again!" Ko whispered as the snow-white creature left her alone in the forest with only the centipede corps to keep her company. Ko crouched down by it. "Now than, lets check you out." She ground her teeth in disgust, but inspected the body carefully. She noticed strange unfamiliar markings along the bug-creature's body, as well as saddles. "Well now. This is unusual! Who on earth would be willing to ride a disgusting creature such as you?!" Kosara wondered as she tried to commit the strange markings to memory. She would have transcribed them, had she writing materials, but alas she did not. With that task done, the druid stood up and looked about herself. Nothing else caught her attention within the forest. She did notice a dim light bobbing up and down from outside the line of trees. [i]Other travelers? Or could it be someone other than me had also heard this call of dreams![/i] "Well let's wait and see if they should come this way". Kosara murmured as she hid behind a tree and did her best to merge with the forest. [hider=Rolls]1d20+5 Shillelagh attack on centipede! = (8)+5 = 13 Hits! Damage: 1d8+3 Kill it! Kill it! = (2)+3 = 5 1d20+1 Initiative = (16)+1 = 17 Second attack: 1d20+5 Die, you bug! = (2)+5 = 7 Misses! Animal Handling on owl: 2d20+5k1 Come here, birdie, it's okay! = ([s]21[/s]+23) = 23 Cure Wounds: 1d8+3 Cure Wounds on owl :wub = (6)+3 = 9 Investigate centipede body: 1d20+2 Dissect that centipede! = (17)+2 = 19[/hider]