Týfurkh just stood there, so anxious about missing any reaction of whom he had addressed that he wasn't paying attention to what was happening around him. It was a dangerous position he had moved himself into and his concentration on that one thing only boosted the chances of the carnage reaching his very self. Nothing happened though... not to himself, but especially not with regard to Chres. It seemed as if the man whose name was unknown to Týfurkh had noticed something, but discarded the sensation immediately afterwards. He just continued with what he had been doing just before and Týfurkh saw his chances vanishing into thin air. Maybe, against all the odds and all plausibility, these weren't the people Bob had referred to after all ? Hard to imagine, but still well within the bounds of the possible at least theoretically. Týfurkh's mind started to think with haste about how to improve his approach. He couldn't except the window of opportunity to remain open for long. Then however there was a disturbance -- one than made him twist around on his heel while his heartbeat punched upwards. There was... nothing. He looked down, further down, even more so... There was something. A female individual of almost regrettable height that was doomed to induce neck pain while talking to each other. Týfurkh blinked in confusion as his mind connected the dots and remembered the words she had apparently spoken. [color=ffff00]"Turkey ?"[/color] he almost stuttered while trying to figure out if she was affected by the madness or not. The word just made absolutely no sense. However there were no signs of aggression. At least one good thing to know! Slowly his hands moved away from his enormous crossbow and his stance relaxed slightly. [color=ffff00]"What gave you that idea about turkeys ? My name is Tý..."[/color] It dawned upon him. [color=ffff00]"Oh!"[/color] A decent bit of annoyance blasted right through his control of his facial expression, resulting in a brief, but noticeable glitch. [color=ffff00]"The others ? What others ?"[/color] Týfurkh was too confused to think about Bob having contacted other people with the same story as well. To his excuse one could say however that he had not met Bob any time earlier in his life though in the first place. How could he know that anonymous man's attitude and habits ? It did not slip past his attention though that her request was very specific, thus clearly indicative of her posessing clear knowledge that had to originate from somewhere. [color=ffff00]"If you're referring to those people than I guess you can see that for yourself!"[/color] He pointed towards the group of other individuals rescuing themselves and others from the tavern via an elaborate magical construct. As they were busy talking though the latter thing started to desintegrate slowly but steadily. An opportunity truly gone -- they'd have to find another way to follow the others now. Then it burst out of Týfurkh straightforwardly: [color=ffff00]"Did someone called Bob message you ? Or no..."[/color] He sighed. [color=ffff00]"Did you receive a strange message telling you something about some people you'd have to find here and team up with ? People that might not be aware of your presence and intentions however ?"[/color] Inside him, Týfurkh prayed for a short and direct answer. A simple 'yes' would perfectly suffice for him at this point. This wasn't the right place to perform any in-depth analysis and consideration about who might be telling the truth or lies about what. They had to get out of here or a wall of flames wouldn't leave as much as that puddle of blood behind after having consumed them. And if what he was thinking was true than they had yet another reason to hurry up. The question was... how. He couldn't cast magic steps and ladders, so unless she could do something about that or had other means of fast transport they had to try and get through those buildings still standing somehow. [color=ffff00]"I'm Týfurkh. What's your name ?"[/color]