[@Fetzen]The idea is to have a group of knights meaning standard soldier type characters though as I said a mage may be possible but many lack any real offensive abilities in this world. The noble knights are well trained, and well equipped. While the poor knights, and soldiers typically wear chain armors, and such. The advantage that Haldia has is that even its poor soldiers are at least somewhat experienced as hunters. Children, and poor people can be prospected by knights of Haldia as squires who can then become knights. There are coliseums, and arenas where people fight to earn money so pit fighter characters can be hired on as soldiers. Armor in this world ranges from extremely heavy full plate armors that cover the body, to simple light weight ones. Standard bows, and crossbows are also weapons. The hierarchy of things goes Royal Guardsmen, Noble Knights (nobility/elite knights), Ascended Knights (former Squires), Knights in Training (squires), Elite Soldiers, Soldiers,city guardsmen, and finally militia. If you want to know more about dukedoms, and the counts you may feel free to ask, or even who the current royal guardsmen are. I will also be willing to answer general stuff about the other nations.