Nothing eventful happened. Aside from the lemurs stalking them from the underbrush, it was uneventful. Pack predators, likely. Or just too curious herbivores. Either case, they continued on without much trouble. The forest was easily navigated compared to the jungles of Kythphus, and made for traveling easy. Still taking point, when Jess said they had reached the point where the signal was coming from, Kiri held up a hand. [color=0076a3]"Approach with Caution. Kriev go ahead and scout - "[/color] But before she could give further instructions it seemed whatever was giving the signal found them instead. Some fleshy thing, with pointed ears and blue hair. Quickly going into action, Kiri drew her own Tuharil blade, the polished metal glinting lightly in the light as she took an aggressive stance. She had no idea what the 'elf' was saying, but hopefully the auto translators would quickly solve that problem. [color=0076a3]"Step back Jess."[/color] Kiri ordered. Ugh, she would have liked to have some information before engaging this signal, but she couldn't account for everything. [color=0076a3]"Kriev, be ready in case."[/color] Approaching the assumed Elf slowly, blade still at the ready, Kiri opted for some forcefully friendly negotiations, narrowing her eyes at the elf. [color=0076a3]"You are a native then."[/color] She mused, aware that the elf wouldn't understand her. Raising one of her arms slowly, Kiri quickly sheathed her sword with the other.