[@Kal-El] To be fair, Stalfos already posted long ago in the OOC that their character was going to take out the guard first. [quote=@AdmrlStalfos19] I typically have a rule against going into the gory details as well. I was just gonna have Satirra slash the guard a bunch until someone pulls her off him. [/quote] Technically, they didn't ignore you, but you superseded them with your post. Yes, they hadn't posted yet, so you aren't in the wrong; however, you, equally, aren't in the right, either, as they already called dibs to an action before you joined, and simply posted their intended course after you did. As I see it, a simple revision is all that's needed in the interest of fairness, as Stalfos was going attack the alerting guard first; as such, that should be heeded.