[@Sierra]FTL in particular is a bit strange in this setting. In theory you have no limit on which FTL mechanism you use (although reasonable limits on capabilities will be made on case per case basis). On the other hand FTL is impossible in this universe unless the region is influenced by the hyperspace. Gates are built on hyperspace rifts that allow them to spread this "hyperfield" that then allowed FTL drives to be developed. But once you go outside the reach of this field your FTL drive no longer works and even nearing the edges its performance drops. You can extend this hyperfield using booster generators but those rely on a Ethreum, a very rare resource to be both be created and then operated. FTL jamming is also done by activating devices that interfere with the hyperfield thus cutting off the medium that allows FTL drives to work. This has several effects. 1.) Your empires would be of limited size while colossal majority of the galaxy is unclaimed and difficult to reach 2.) Hypergates will become important chokepoints while also allowing quick travel between these tiny islands of civilization 3.) Hyperfield mechanics allow for a reliable FTL jamming while allowing nearly all kinds of FTL drives As for low end sci-fi it just means as what I said. The setting is still a soft sci-fi so you don't need to work around that. But you also don't need to invent various bullshit techs just to compete. I actually even have an idea to resolve the need for sufficiently "interesting" travel times yet the lack of RKKVs.