[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9E9Pjb7.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QCj4X0X.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/lbZ98PF.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0CbSl9H.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][color=slategray]There were sixty-seven invitations sent out to people all around the world who hit the prerequisites. Of those sixty-seven invitations, thirty-eight were responded to. Of those thirty-eight, all but eighteen were disqualified upon a deeper vetting. The eighteen remaining met with their ‘supervisor,’ and took a test put together by her. This removed another twelve from the selection process. The remaining six are the stars of the show, so to say. They are the lucky winners, the fabled few. The Young Avengers. Assembled rather hastily by Captain America, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Iron Man, and Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, the Young Avengers are on a trial run. Under the tutelage of Captain Marvel, the Young Avengers are going to be taking care of the West Coast of the United States of America. Complete with their very own Avengers Tower in San Francisco, the Young Avengers will operate largely independently. Captain Marvel will be staying with them, and offering guidance when she can, but will not participate in any combat, or crime solving scenarios. The team is under a six-month probationary period, during which they are expected to learn to work fluidly and fluently together, as well as choose a leader. Being an Avenger is a huge strain on someone’s life. You become a public figure, almost a celebrity, and people depend on you in life-threatening situations. The probationary period is meant to test the team’s ability to be a team, as well as their viability as Avengers. Some people can’t handle the stressors, or are better off working alone. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, and on this particular planet, being an Avenger is something almost every super person strives for. The Avengers are a family, they love and care for each other, they work together, they live together, they sometimes fall in love together… and, to top it all off, they have great dental; plus Tony Stark pays the bills and signs the checks, so they’re never going to bounce. Our story will focus on the six-month probationary period, and how it goes for the team. Rogers, Stark, and Danvers will all be watching closely as the team hopefully grows and melds together. In the event that they don’t, then they’ll just have to try again. This is, unfortunately, necessary. A lot of the primary Avengers have been sent off on assignments around the world, leaving the West Coast largely unguarded.[/color][/indent][/indent]