Penelope shifted away as Crow drew back from her. She noticed the sudden awkwardness that took over him and had a clear guess as to why. She felt her face beginning to heat up at the thought. With everything they had gone through, part of her was tempted to push for more with him despite the fact that she had never even been with a man before. However, she was nervous still and not to mention it just didn’t feel like the right time. [i]Maybe on a better day than this..[/i] She thought. The last thing she wanted was to remember her first time with Crow, or anyone for that matter, being on the same day she brutally killed a man. The knight paused before giving a small nod of agreement. “Yeah. I’m tired.” She said stretching slightly as she rose up to her feet. She moved over to the other side of the bed, kicked off her boots and lied down. Penelope kept close to the edge of her side, trying to giving him enough room, and laid with her back facing him. Her heart still raced at them being in such close quarters. [i]This is ridiculous.[/i] She thought, wondering how she’d ever get to sleep with the pounding of her own heart keeping her awake. She just hoped he couldn’t hear it as well. “Good night.” She mumbled softly, attempting to close her eyes and sleep.