Penelope didn’t find much luck in trying to sleep at first. She tried to relax but her mind was still buzzing, both from the day’s events and the closeness of Crow. The knight opened her eyes, looking annoyed as she stared blankly at the wall ahead of her. She jumped slightly as she felt Crow slip his arm around her and pull her close. She was caught off guard at first but quickly relaxed in his arms. She let out a content sigh and closed her eyes again, trying to sleep once again. This time being much more successful. --- The knight had remained curled up besides Crow throughout most, if not all, of the night. Once morning came, she was turned facing him,still pressed against him, with one arm draped over him. Penelope slowly began to stir from a rather peaceful sleep. The first thing she was aware of was how stiff she felt, which didn’t surprise her. She gave a soft groan and shifted away to stretch out her limbs. She felt tempted to keep sleeping, especially after such a deep slumber. She sighed and forced her eyes open, staring up at the ceiling as she tried to wake herself up. She rubbed her eyes and let out a yawn. “Morning..” She mumbled.