Nensu watched ahead when they managed to spot Aizawa trying to hold himself up, but a giant villain continued to beat him senseless into the concrete. She couldn’t do anything, mainly due to the fact that there was someone with an unknown quirk they had no knowledge of, and that they have no idea on [b]who[/b] exactly they’re going up against. However, for an unknown villain to appear out of nowhere, Nensu gasped and reacted fast: Launching herself towards him, she gave the newcomer a punch with both arms; she couldn’t stop his hands from landing on her right forearm, creating excruciating pain, and causing her to scream, as it appeared to eat through the sleeve of her costume, and land upon the top layer of her skin. As long as Nensu had managed to knock the villain away, that’s all that mattered. The pain on her arm was making her shiver, as well as the pupils of her eyes to begin dilating. Holding her injured arm, she was internally fighting, as she started to wince and wheeze at both the pain in her head and her arm. Thankfully, Earphone Jack had given Momo her jacket to cover up her chest, before exiting from under the blanket.