[@Kittens][@DarkHuntress] Kyle doubted Trenton got it but it was nice of him to try. If Kyle hadn't his powers Ivy would destroyed more than one home. It was one of the reasons he didn't force her to be still. He had learned moving helped keep the flames from getting out of control. Unfortunately it wasn't something others, even those who struggled with their power understood. He turned his attention to his board. He took his time painting an elaborate scene. It wasn't likely he would get a chance to paint like this very often. Ivy looked up at the girl who distracted her from starting her project. "[color=ed1c24]HELLO! MY NAME IS IVY! WHAT'S YOURS? I CONTROL FIRE! WHAT DO YOU CONTROL? MY BROTHER KYLE IS HERE! HIS POWER IS WATER! DO YOU HAVE A SIBLING? KYLE HAS EXCELLENT CONTROL! HE CAN DO ALL KINDS OF THINGS! I DON'T REALLY HAVE CONTROL! THAT'S WHY I'M SUPPOSED TO STAY NEAR KYLE! BUT I FORGOT SOMETIMES! I AM GOING TO TRY TO MAKE A DESIGN! KYLE SAID IT WAS OK TO USE MY FIRE! I DON'T GET TO USE MY POWER OFTEN! IT'S DANGEROUS!"[/color]